stETH Most Common Pools

    Popularity of stETH Pools

    Today we're analyzing stETH swaps using the ethereum_core table from flipsidecrypto. The objective is to get the popular pools allowing crypto users to swap in and out of stETH. However, the task has restricted us to using a specific table which has only swaps from uniswap-v2 and sushiswap.

    Uniswap-v2 and Sushiswap host one stETH pool each which are stETH-WETH and stETH-ETH respectively. As such, we shall use the platform names as proxy for the pools. Observe the donut chart below which show the number of stETH swaps that have happened on both uniswap-v2 and sushiswap.


    As you can see, stETH is more popular on uniswap compared to sushiswap. So far, according to the ethereum_core table, there has been 7,176 swaps involving stETH on uniswap-v2 as opposed to only 15 swaps on sushiswap.