Symmetric vs Asymmetric LPs

    Liquidity Additions


    THORChain is able to enable swaps of native assets through investors who are able to deposit native assets into liquidity pools. There are three ways a user can deposit funds into THORChain liquidity pools:

    1. Deposit RUNE only
    2. Deposit another ASSET only
    3. Depostt RUNE + ASSET

    We want to know how popular are any of the three methods that we have outlined. So first, we will look at the number of times each of the methods has been used by an investor. Observe the distribution in the donut chart below.

    We can see that RUNE only liquidity additions are quite popular representing 60.1%, followed by RUNE + ASSET with 38.9%, and ASSET only with 0.1%.

    Well, we do not stop here, let's look at the these have changed over time in volume.

    We can see that both RUNE + ASSET liquidity additions are quite more popular in volume than RUNE only which makes sense in a way because the user is providing two assets although they could just divide one asset into two.

    Generally, liquidity providers do not like to provide ASSETS only liquidity as less frequency and volume has been recorded over time.