The Algorand NFT Ecosystem



    The Algorand NFT ecosystem is made up of a lot of stakeholders from NFT creators to marketplaces. As analysts, we want to look at a few of the metrics that we can use to measure the NFT space on Algorand.

    How Many NFT Collections Are There On Algorand?

    There are about 12,911 unique Algorand NFT collections.

    How Many Collections Launched Per Month?

    Algorand NFT collections began launching in July 2019, but the hype didn't pick up until January 2021 and has since been on the rise.

    ab2 Gallery is one of the top NFT market places on ALgorand. In the following visuals, you can see the total volume, monthly transaction count, and monthly cumulative transaction activity.

    ab2 has made over 1.2M ALGOs in total trading volume since inception.

    Next, take a look at the monthly transaction count.

    We can see that the rise of ab2 was slow and eventually peaked on October 1, 2021, at 164k transactions. There have been 797k+ transactions on the ab2 gallery NFT marketplace.