1. Daily Reward Distribution

    This dashboard shows the daily block rewards per day on the THORCHain network. THORCHain is a revolutionary new protocol which allows for the transfer of assets across different blockchains, through the use of cross-chain liquidity pools. This means one can exchange Bitcoin for Ethereum, without having to use a wrapped version of either token. The number of block rewards daily grew exponentially over the first few months, from May 2021 to June of 2021, and have since leveled off to a relatively consistent daily amount. The gap in the block rewards from the end of July to the beginning of August was due to an audit that was underway, which stopped the production of additional blocks. Looking at the daily bonding vs. liquidity awards, the daily bonding awards tend to be much more stable, with the liquidity awards varying drastically day by day. There was a recent spike in the amount of bonding and liquidity awards since October 20th 2021.