12. Metric Dashboard

    This dashboard looks at many metrics of the Aave platform over the last year, including average liquidity, average utilization, average depositor APY, flashloan amounts, flashloan fees, income collector fees, and total fees. The second graph in this dashboard shows all of the Aave metrics versus time, on a logarithmic scale, as the numbers in each metric vary greatly. The third graph shows the daily flashloan volume versus daily fees, and we can see from this graph that the two are completely correlated, with the daily fees increasing or decreasing proportionally to the amount flashloan volume increases or decreases. This makes sense as the more flashloans that are executed on a day, the more fees will be generated. The last graph looks at the average utilization per day versus the average depositor APY per day. These are also somewhat correlated, although not nearly as much as the previous graph. According to the Aave protocol, the higher the utilization of a pool, meaning the higher proportion of the pool supply being borrowed, the higher the APY, so it also makes sense that as utilization rises so does APY. Although this is not always the case it seems, as the inverse happened multiple times in August 2021.