14. [Hard] Pool Stats

    This dashboard looks at multiple metrics of THORChain's top five liquidity pools. THORChain is a revolutionary new protocol that allows for users to easily swap assets from different blockchains. This is done utilizing its native token RUNE. Users swap their asset, such as BTC, for RUNE, and can then swap that RUNE for assets from other blockchains. The first graph is this dashboard looks at the daily total liquidity in the top five liquidity pools on THORChain, throughout the month of October. The total liquidity in these pools has in general risen throughout October, from a total of around $100,000,000 at the beginning to about $200,000,000 towards the end of October. The next two graphs look at the daily total swap volume and the daily total swap count. In general it seems among all the top 5 pools, both swap count and volume has risen. Looking at the daily fees and daily fees per $1000 in each of the top 5 pools, it seems that fees have risen over time, with the ETH pool having by far the largest daily fees.