17. [Hard] Pool Depth

    This dashboard looks at the pool depth of the top 4 liquidity pools on THORChain by volume. THORChain is a protocol that allows for the swapping of assets from different blockchains. It does so through its native token RUNE. A user swaps their asset for RUNE, and then swaps that RUNE for their desired asset, for example swap BTC to RUNE and then RUNE to ETH. In this dashboard, the term 'pool depth' refers to the number of users providing liquidity at any given time. In general, the number of users providing liquidity to the top four pools has increased over time, especially in the BTC, THOR and ETH pools. The BTC and ETH pools, two of the first ones on the platform, follow a similar evolution over time, with a steady increase of users from April to July 2021. There is a gap in data for both of these charts from the middle of July to the end of September, most likely due to the multiple audits THORChain underwent in that time period. The BTC pool continues to generally increase in depositors, with a slight downturn at the end of October. One of THORChains most recent pools, the THOR pool, has steadily increased in the number of user depositing since its inception in November. It has almost quadrupled from a starting number of around 1000 depositors to almost 4000 depositors currently. The XRUNE pool is a bit of an exception as it has not increased much over time but has instead remained relatively stable, hovering around 1200 depositors.