18. [Easy] Wealth distribution

    This dashboard looks at the wealth distribution among THORChain addresses. THORChain is a protocol that allows for the swapping of assets from different blockchains. The first query in this dashboard looks at the current balance of all THORChain users. The account with the highest balance currently has about $630 million. I then grouped the users into buckets using a logarithmic scale. Due to an issue with adding images to Velocity, the graph created can be viewed through this link, https://imgur.com/a/MJNDOmy. The highest number of users have $0 to $100 in their wallet. After users with $10,000 to $100,000 in their wallet, the number of users starts to steeply drop off. The number of users who have $100,000,000 to $1,000,000,000 is unsurprisingly the fewest out of the balance categories, with only 3 addresses currently holding more than $100,000,000.