20. Sushi Token Activity

    This dashboard looks at token activity, specifically native tokens, on the Sushiswap platform over time. There are two main native tokens to the Sushiswap platform. SUSHI and xSUSHI. When SUSHI tokens are staked to Sushiswap's governance protocol, xSUSHI tokens are minted, which appreciate in value over time and can be burned to receive SUSHI tokens. SUSHI tokens can also be earned from staking SLP, Sushiswap Liquidity Pool, tokens, otherwise known as 'harvesting' them. The first graph looks at the daily volume of SUSHI tokens staked, xSUSHI minted, xSUSHI burned, and SUSHI harvested. The second graph look at the same metrics but in terms of USD. The amount of xSUSHI burned has been especially volatile over time, and is mostly responsible for the day with the highest total volume, July 7th of 2021, where over $6,000,000 xSUSHI was burned. Unsurprisingly, the amount of SUSHI staked and xSUSHI minted are very close in volume each day, as a similar amount of xSUSHI is minted for each amount of SUSHI staked to governance.