41. Active LP-ers

    This dashboard looks at the top 10 most active THORChain addresses in terms of updating their liquidity positions. Two addresses are far above the rest in number updates, with one updating their liquidity position over 16,000 times, and another updating their position over 11,000 times. The rest of the top 10 addresses are leagues below this amount, with the next highest having only 1,225 updates. I next looked at the amount of liquidity each address in the top 10 was supplying to each pool over time, in order to gain insight on what pools the top 10 addresses were attracted to. The volume in RUNE the top 10 addresses provided to the BTC pool rose steadily over time, which is most likely to due to its relatively low volatility in comparison to other coins. This same trend also occurred for both the ETH, BNB, and BUSD pools. One of the largest increases in volume was in the THOR pool, where over 7 million RUNE was added in a single week. In conclusion, the top 10 most active addresses seem to value safety of investment and low volatility over higher percentage yields.