7. Weekly APY

    This dashboard looks at the weekly average APY earned by liquidity providers to THORChains liquidity pools. THORChain is a protocol that aims to facilitate seamless swaps of tokens from different blockchains, for example swapping BTC for ETH. Liquidity pools are an integral part of this process, as they allow for users to exchange their tokens for THORChains native token, RUNE, which can then be swapped for other tokens. Users who provide liquidity earn a percentage of the fees these pools generate, proportional to the amount of liquidity they provide. The first metric looked at in this dashboard is the average liquidity across all of THORCHains LPs. We can see here that the weekly APY was highest towards the end of June to the middle of July 2021, with the highest average reaching almost 120%. The average weekly APY seems to have dropped off since then, with the highest weekly APY in October 2021 only about 60%. There is a gap from the end of July to September, most likely due to the numerous audits THORChain underwent during that time period. The next graph in this dashboard looks at the weekly APY separated between the current top 3 liquidity pools, the BTC, ETH, and XRUNE pools. We can see from this that the APY of the ETH pools is currently the highest among the three, hitting about 53% in the middle of October 2021. The APY of the ETH pool also spiked in the middle of July 2021, reaching a whopping ~115%.