79. [Hard] Liquidation Response

    This dashboard looks at the activity of borrowers on Terra after they have been liquidated. Terra allows users to borrow stablecoins with the Anchor protocol, by providing collateral. According to the Anchor protocol website, "borrows can be made until the loan's loan-to-value (LTV) ratio reaches the MAX LTV, calculated based on collateral types, their prices, and deposit amount". If this LTV ratio goes over the MAX LTV, the borrowers position can be liquidated. Here I looked at five borrowers on Anchor who were liquidated, and if they decided to take out further loans after. Of the five borrowers, only two decided to take out more loans, and took out 57 and 58 respectively. It seems that many do not continue to borrow after they have been liquidated, which makes sense as it could scare some from trying again. Although it seems if they do continue to borrow, they borrow in high amounts, which is interesting. Extrapolating from this small sample size, it seems borrowers, "go big or go home" after being liquidated.