9. RUNE price vs Swapper activity

    This dashboard looks at the price of RUNEs effect on THORChain activity. RUNE is a native token on THORChain, and is the token that enables users to swap assets from one blockchain to another. Users swap one asset for RUNE, and then can use that RUNE to swap for an asset from another blockchain. The first graph in this dashboard looks at the daily swap volume on across all of THORCHain's pools versus the price of RUNE, over the month of October. As you can see from this graph, the price of RUNE does indeed seem correlated to the swap volume. When the price of RUNE was lower towards the beginning of October, at about $8, the swap volume hit a max of about $10,000,000. The price of RUNE steadily climbed towards the end of October, and with it swap volume has generally increased as well, hitting a high of about $36,000,000 on a single day. The next metric looked at is the daily number of withdraws and deposits to liquidity pools versus the price of RUNE. This follows a similar pattern as the previous, and as the price of RUNE rose at the end of October, so did the number of withdraws and deposits to liquidity pools. This suggests that the higher the price of RUNE, the more often users will interact with the protocol.