    Updated 2023-07-26
    select date_trunc('{{date_format}}', block_timestamp) AS date,
    case when amount_in_usd is null then amount_out_usd else amount_in_usd end
    as vol_usd,
    count(DISTINCT ORIGIN_TO_ADDRESS) as swappers,
    count(DISTINCT tx_hash) as swaps,
    SUM(vol_usd) as volume_USD,
    SUM(volume_USD) OVER (ORDER BY date) as cum_vol,
    SUM(swappers) OVER (ORDER BY date) as cum_swappers,
    SUM(swaps) OVER (ORDER BY date) as cum_swaps,
    null as type
    from avalanche.core.ez_dex_swaps
    where PLATFORM like '%uniswap%' and block_timestamp >= '2023-07-11'
    group by 1,2,3
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