Optimism is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum. It helps reduce the transaction fee and transaction time on the Ethereum blockchain. Broadly speaking, Optimism helps solve Ethereum’s scalability dilemma. Scalability refers to the rate of transactions per second (TPS) on a blockchain network.
The goal of this dashboard is to create a report that shows the crossover between the Optimism TOP NFT projects by market cap.
In this report we are going to have a look at which of the strongest projects tend to have the most crossover between them, and which projects have a wider mix of other communities. Moreover, we will try to identify which communities tend to provide the most signal that another NFT project. As well as identifying most active TOP NFT communities.
The following metholdogy will be implemented:
- Filter TOP Optimism NFT collections by market cap.
- Deep overview of thos collections.
- Identify crossover between collections
The following sections will be shown:
TOP 10 NFT collections overview
- Marketcap
- Sales count
- Volume
- NFT count
- Average volume/sales per buyer/seller
- Average number of days held
Crossover Activity
- TOP NFT projects crossover
- Most popular crossover combination
- Number of users in each crossover tier
- Wallets buying back collections
Metrics Definition
Some metric must be defined before start reading the dashboard.
Marketcap: Number of NFT per collection mutiplied per their value. In this case I did an aproximation to calculate the marketcap of each NFT collection. I mutiplied the number of NFT that have been ever sold by their average sale price. In my opinon, this is the most fair way of establish TOP 10 NFT projects. Formula:
marketcap = avg_volume*nft_count
. -
Average sale per seller/buyer: This is the average ratio of sales buyers/sellers have done in a NFT project. Formula:
avg_sale_seller= sale_count/seller_count.
Average volume per seller/buyer: This is the average ratio of sales volume buyers/sellers have done in a NFT project**.**
Formula: avg_volume_seller= volume/seller_count.
TOP 10 NFT collections overview
The TOP 10 projects by market cap are: 'optipunk', 'optimism', 'apetimism', 'optimistic explorer - get started nft', 'dope wars hustlers', 'mirror','motorheadz', 'optimistic apes', 'optichads', 'project galaxy'. Therefore, the analysis will be focused in those 10 NFT projects. Optipunk is clearly the # NFT project on Optimism by market cap.
If we check sales count and volume again Optipunk has the best ratio. Having more than $1M in volume with +4k sales. The communities with the highest Sale Volume is the strongest signal that the NFT Project will do well.
In the other hand, if we check the number of different number of NFT that were sold Mirror is #1. However, the avg volume of those sales was pretty low, around $5, the lowest of all TOP 10 NFT projects.
Looking at best avg volume per NFT sold Optipunk again is #1 with almost $300 per NFT.
As mirror was #1 on number of NFT sold we can say that most of them were sold by little part of sellers.
If we check the number of days in average a NFT of each TOP 10 collection is held, we can say that optimistic apes is #1. So this is the community project with the wallets with the diamond hands.
Regarding active and diamond communities we can say that Optipunk is #1 as they have the most sales and the volume of sales is considerable. Optimims NFT collection is also gaining users and posting for being a valued community.
TOP 10 NFT collections CROSSOVER
- The first chart of this section represents every single possible combination of TOP NFT crossover and the number of users doing so. The combination ‘Optimism, galaxy project’ have more than 700 common wallets.
- Top 5 crossover between TOP 10 NFT collections are:
- optimism,project galaxy with 736 wallets
- dope wars hustlers,mirror with 706 wallets
- mirror,optimistic explorer - get started nft with 680 wallets
- mirror,optimism with 676 wallets
- optimism,optimistic explorer - get started nft with 607 wallets
- 80% of wallets only own NFT from 1 collection, while 15% owns 2 NFTS from different projects.
- Only 3 wallets have an NFT in 9 out of the TOP 10 NFT collections by market cap.
- A crucial metric for looking strong NFT projects apart from their sales count is how many wallets are buying back the NFT collections. Mirror is having a lot of re-buying actions.

Findings and Additional information
The only marketplace available on Optimims tables is Quixotic.
There is no limitation on timeframe
The is obtained via Flipsidecrupto data base. More specific, the tables used are