Functions after bridge
Introduction & Approach
In this dashboard we are going to have a where do people go when they bridge to Optimism from Ethereum and what are the most popular first destinations for users that have just bridged from Ethereum. In order to do that I will have a look into
- Functions users do after bridge
- Top bridge projects
- Swap tokens after bridge
- Top after bridge projects
- This first collection of charts show us the TOP functions after bridge:
- After the bridge, the Transfer type of user transaction is the most prevalent, followed by Approval type transactions. After the bridge, users must get access to the platforms in order to utilize their currencies, which is why there are so many of these transactions.
- Swap transactions, which account for 15% of all transactions, are the third most common sort of transaction after these first two.
- These figures also provide a daily analysis of the different kinds of transactions users made after the bridge. Depending on the day, 2nd and 3rd position is swapped between, Swap and Approval.
Top bridge projects
- The number of transfer transactions, their volume, and their shares are displayed in the charts above.
Hop Protocol is the most popular bridge with most count of transactions and bitbtc is the most in bridged volume.
Bitbtc has generated nearly 18B on volume, whereas the Hop protocol has generated 1M tx count.
Swap Tokens after bridge
Top after bridge projects
- The most swap token after bridge by volume and transaction count are displayed in the charts above.
Hop Protocol: l2eth is the most popular bridge with most count of transactions closely follwed by hop protocol: usdcl2
Both tokens are also the ones with more volume.
The projects that the users interacted with their contracts after the bridge are compared in this chart in terms of the number of transactions.
- Optimism was the most with +10k transactions.
Moreover, two charts shows the categories of projects and the number of transactions.
As can be seen, layer 2projects have the highest number of used contracts, followed by contracts related to operator.