Fractionalized Dragons

    Question 38: Bridgesplit enables any unique asset to become liquid and yield generative via NFT-collateralized lending, indexes, and more. Bridgesplit's Floor Indexes are a new NFT / DeFi primitive that enables users to create instant liquidity for their NFT assets with a fungible token that tracks the ""floor price"" of the respective NFT collection. The product was first introduced on March 1, 2022 in partnership with the Boryoku Dragonz. Users can deposit their dragon NFTs in exchange for $DRGNZ tokens or buy $DRGNZ on the open market and then deposit their tokens into the DRGNZ-SOL liquidity pool to earn passive income in the form of trading fees. LPs can also start farming $BOKU rewards by staking their LP tokens. A total of 8,500 $BOKU tokens are expected to be distributed during the farming rewards period. Create a graph showing the total volume of $DRGNZ traded and the total deposits into the DRGNZ-SOL liquidity pool over time. Highlight the largest deposits and largest withdrawals from the pool to date. How many $BOKU tokens have been farmed so far from this rewards program?