Monthly Swap Volume On ParaSwap
ParaSwap is middleware aggregating many decentralized exchanges (DEX) and other services in one comprehensive interface. For any given trade, ParaSwap checks the rates on all supported DEX and implements further optimizations to get the best rate possible - sometimes even beating the markets! ParaSwap offers a simple, fast and safe way to exchange Ethereum-native tokens by pooling together the liquidity from many decentralised services in one unique interface. So when you go on ParaSwap and check the price for a given ETH/ERC20 token, ParaSwap combs through all the exchanges it supports offering this pair to find the best rate. total monthly swap volume on ParaSwap? we want to know which platforms most interacted with paraswap. Examining the volume of swaps in paraswap Which dex are most commonly used for swaps. How has the swap volume changed over time?