Flow User Behavior

    What are users swapping for? In what contact has the most user activity been in the last 2 weeks? All these questions are answered and reviewed in this dashboard


    In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:

    • Q11. What are users swapping for?
    • What activities are the most common for users on Flow right now?
    • Create a visualization on what’s causing spikes in swapping behavior.
      • I set a time frame of 2 weeks to prepare a visualization of my analysis.



    Flow, the blockchain for open worlds ‍ ‍- Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain, designed as the foundation for a new generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them. It is based on a unique, multi-role architecture, and designed to scale without sharding, allowing for massive improvements in speed and throughput while preserving a developer-friendly, ACID-compliant environment.

    • Flow empowers developers to build thriving crypto- and crypto-enabled businesses. Applications on Flow can keep consumers in control of their own data; create new kinds of digital assets tradable on open markets accessible from anywhere in the world; and build open economies owned by the users that help make them valuable.

    • Smart contracts on Flow can be assembled like Lego blocks to power apps serving billions of people, from basketball fans to businesses with mission-critical requirements.

    There are four pillars that make Flow unique among existing blockchains:

    • Multi-role architecture: Flow’s design is unique, allowing the network to scale to serve billions of users without sharding or reducing decentralization of consensus.
    • Resource-oriented programming: smart contracts on Flow are written in Cadence, an easier and - - safer programming language for crypto assets and apps.
    • Developer ergonomics: from upgradeable smart contracts and built-in logging support to the Flow Emulator, this network is designed for results.
    • Consumer onboarding: Flow was designed for mainstream consumers, with payment onramps catalyzing a safe and low-friction path from fiat to crypto.
    • for more information read here


    >To solve this question, I used transaction counting for analysis. Transactions can be taken from most tables, but I took ones from which to extract enough information. >- flow.core.dim_contract_labels >- flow.core.fact_swaps

    >I used transaction counting for analysis. Transactions can be taken from most tables, but I took ones from which to extract enough information.

    >For the first part of my question, I used the flow.core.fact_swaps table and found out what token most users swap to.

    >For the next part, I added the number of transactions and categorized them into groups of Contracts

    Chart & Analyze;

    Top Flow Projects

    I got all the information from Flowverse . If you want to read more, visit Flowverse

    • Rally.io (RLY) :Rally.io is a platform for creators and their communities to build their own independent digital economies by enabling creators, artists, celebrities, communities and brands to launch their own social tokens and NFTs. Rally takes no fees, has low environmental impact, requires no crypto experience, and seamlessly integrates with platforms thanks to its APIs.

    • FLOAT : Float is a Flow-enabled proof of attendance platform. Whether it be a Twitter space, Discord call, YouTube livestream, IRL event, or anything at all, you can create a FLOAT Event so participants can remember and have proof that they were there.. Which you can use in the awards distribution ceremony, etc.

    • LNVCT : Live Nation Virtual Commemorative Tickets are unique digital collectibles included with your concert tickets at no extra charge. They’re easy to share, feature artwork from the tour, and each one is customized with the details of your seat.

    • TopShot:The NBA’s Top Shot product is a blockchain-based virtual trading card platform. It was born out of a partnership between the NBA, the NBA Players Association, and Dapper Labs. The platform runs on the FLOW blockchain, which was created by Dapper Labs to be a “developer-friendly blockchain built to support the next generation of games, apps, and digital assets.”

    • Joyride Games : Joyride is a blockchain-powered competitive gaming platform for casual game developers and players on Flow. Games can be launched by developers on the Joyride platform with market-leading multiplayer competition, tournament formats, and publishing support. NFT and token support on the platform enable novel economics that power the game's community for the benefit of both developers and players on a global basis.

    • Seussibles:An officially licensed Dr. Seuss NFT collecting experience from Tibles and Dapper Labs on Flow. 600+ collectibles based on titles like Green Eggs and Ham; Fox in Socks; One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish; Horton Hears a Who!; Hop on Pop and Mr. Brown Can Moo! Can You?. Download on the iOS app store.

    • Dapper Wallet : Dapper is your trusted account manager for exciting experiences and apps found on the Flow network. The Dapper Wallet acts as your digital wallet across various products. Transactions you take part in on these products are handled through this wallet, whether it involves making a purchase or a making a sale.

    • The donut chart above shows that the most swapping for by users in the last 2 weeks belongs to Teleported Tether Token and has taken 52.7% of the swapping for

      • (USDT teleported from Ethereum using the Blocto bridge) as Teleported Tether Token
    • The native Flow network token then accounts for 17.1% swapping for users

    • Other popular tokens include the Blocto wallet token, Blocto Token, which has a 12.7% swap share.

    -> We can attribute the reason why the volume of swaps to Teleported Tether Token has increased to the bear market and the decrease in the price of tokens.

    -> To protect their capital, the people turned their tokens into stable coins so that they could avoid losses.

    -> It can be said that after the recent collapse, there is a lot of fear in the market and any investment without knowledge can lead to loss of capital.

    ->The more volatile the price, the more cash we see Especially after what happened to UST and LUNA in May this year, it made people more afraid to invest

    • The bar chart above shows the daily swapping for each token.
    • The Teleported Tether Token and FlowToken and StarlyToken has been swapped every day for the past two weeks.
    • Most swapping for done on June 10 with a value of more than 350k
    • The donut chart above shows the amount of swapping for transactions performed by unique users. 48.5% of Teleported Tether Token users still choose.
    • FlowToken has not lost its popularity and is still in second place.
    • But this filter sends unique Blocto Token users to fifth place and replaces it with FUSD.
      • what is fusd?: FUSD is a USD-backed stablecoin issued as a fungible token on the Flow network. Its primary purpose is to provide a more consistently-priced payment experience for dapp developers and their users. As a valid payment token, FUSD also acts as an alternative for users who may not be holding the native FLOW token.
    • In the chart above, I showed the most activity of users in what field they are most active.
    • Deposit and withdrawal activity in any network is a natural thing. In this chart, the amount of withdrawal and deposit of native network tokens is more than other activities.
    • The amount of transaction fees as well as each transaction that is done in each network, a fee is charged for the transaction FlowFees shows the network fee.
    • But let's look at this chart in more detail! That is, remove the above two and analyze the rest of the activities.
    • Now the perspective is broader and we can continue our analysis better:
    • The most activity recorded in the last two weeks is the deposit and withdrawal of RLY tokens, which shows the increasing popularity of the Rally.io platform.
    • FLOATs have also been very popular. This initiative was previously implemented in the Ethereum network under the POAP brand and is now a new innovation in the FLOW network.
    • The gamefi domain also seems popular because the user activities in Joyride Games after Rally.io and FLOAT show this and show a relatively high transaction number in the chart.
    • The chart above shows the percentage of each activity from the top 20 activities done in the last 2 weeks.


    1. Joyride Games transactions, both JoyridePayments and JoyrideMultiToken, account for nearly 27% of the total.
    2. Transactions related to the Rally.io platform account for nearly 25% of the total share.
    3. FLOATs account for about 17% of the total share.
    4. TopShot and LNVCT and Dapper Utility Coin transactions are close to each other and both account for approximately 7% of the total.
    5. The lowest percentage of shares belongs to the Seussibles, which accounted for 2.18%


    As mentioned above, I removed network transactions, deposit and withdrawal, and account creation and transaction fees from the chart so that I can better show popular activities.

    • You can see here that FlowToken and FlowFees transactions alone account for 76.6% of total activity .
    • That's why I brought this chart in the additions section so if you are curious take a look


    In this study, using Flipside crypto table data, we find, categorize and analyze the top 20 activities recorded by user transactions. We were also initially able to find the token for which the most swapping for transactions were performed.

    1. The most swapping for token is the Teleported Tether Token
    2. The most activity recorded in the last two weeks is the deposit and withdrawal of RLY tokens
    3. Rally.io This interesting idea creates a good feeling in the user that he can turn his works into tokens and sell them.

    Thanks for reading !