Hot Contracts on Osmosis



    In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:

    • Q20. A lot of new contracts are being deployed on Osmosis lately.

      Since the beginning of May, answer the following questions:

    • What are the top ten most popular contracts on Osmosis?

    • What is the cumulative total of contracts launched on Osmosis,

    • and have there been any spikes since the Terra crash or other noteworthy events?


    What is Osmosis (OSMO)

    • Osmosis is an automated market maker (AMM) built with the Cosmos SDK; it specializes in the InterchainDeFi movement (Tendermint-based blockchains) in the Cosmos ecosystem. In other words, Osmosis is a decentralized exchange specifically built for Cosmos, with plans to expand to more blockchains.
    • Think of Cosmos as the sandbox, and Osmosis as something that can connect all the various dApps. As a DEX, Osmosis nurtures a heterogeneous and interoperable cross-chain trading experience
    • If you want to know more about osmosis, you can read it Here


    • To solve this question and get this information,
    • I first found in a CTE the number of times each POOL_IDS was registered in the osmosis.core.fact_swaps table and sorted my answers in descending order and selected the first 10
    • Then I filtered my answers with the time condition and that my POOL_IDS be inside the CTE
    • For cumulative, I first counted the number of contracts in CTE every day, and then with the command OVER (order by date) I calculated cumulatively
    • But I don't know why when I separated the POOL_IDS with the CASE command, my results were different! I did this to write the token names of each POOL_IDS and before this I got the names using the osmosis.core.dim_labels table.
    • VELOCITY was getting errors from my query on the day I was writing this dashboard, and sometimes I couldn't even save my chart.
    • In any case, I wrote both models separately so that no problem would arise


    • The opposite charts show the 10 contracts that had the highest number of transactions since the beginning of 2022

    • A ceiling is observed from March 1 to April 4

    • After that, the chart took a downward slope until the Terra crash And with the Terra crash, the contracts that were used a few times in the previous days were used more, such as the contract number 6 to May 4 was registered less than 1000 times, but from May 5 to May 25, 2022, more than 2500 transactions were registered.

    • There is also the opposite of this case: Contract No. 560, which had more than 2,500 transactions per day until May 14, and since May 14, the number of transactions registered with this contract has reached less than 500 transactions per day.

    • Contract No. 1 had high statistics on all days (except June 9 to June 11, when no transaction was registered)


    • The opposite charts show the 10 contracts that had the highest number of transactions since may 2022
    • It seems that with the collapse of Luna, contract number 561 and 565 has recorded a large number of transactions
    • And in the coming days, the number of transactions of these contracts has gradually decreased
    • Observations show that the contract [722] started on May 23, 2022

    • The graphs opposite one show the cumulative number of positions from over time and the other shows the cumulative number from the beginning of May
    • Observations show that the cumulative chart has taken a more upward slope in 2 sections, one of them at the beginning of 2022 to January 7 and the other from May 10 to May 14, which is related to the Terra crash.
    • After these two dates, the slope was always the same and did not change much

    • The chart shows the daily transactions of the top 10 contracts with the names of the pool tokens
    • Osmosis <=> Cosmos [1] contract transactions have been there all day
    • Observations show that the contract Evmos <=> Osmosis [722] started on May 23, 2022
    • As mentioned above, the Sentinal <=> Cosmos [6] contract recorded many transactions from May 5th to May 25th at the same time as Luna drops.

    • Observations show that with Terra crash contracts:

      Osmosis <=> Sentinal [5] and

      Sentinal <=> Cosmos [6]

      and Luna Classic <=> Cosmos [565]

      and Luna Classic <=> Osmosis [561]

      from May 5 to May 25, they have recorded many transactions

    • the contract Evmos <=> Osmosis [722] started on May 23, 2022

    • Osmosis <=> Cosmos [1]

      and Juno <=> Osmosis [497]

      and Lum <=> Osmosis [608] contracts,

      it can be said that the amount of their transactions has always been constant and did not vary much.


    ==Additions may be useful==

    ==Additions may be useful==


    1. [1] 'Osmosis <=> Cosmos [1]'

    2. [5] 'Osmosis <=> Sentinal [5]'

    3. [6] 'Sentinal <=> Cosmos [6]'

    4. [497] 'Juno <=> Osmosis [497]'

    5. [498] 'Juno <=> Cosmos [498]'

    6. [561] 'Luna Classic <=> Osmosis [561]'

    7. [565] 'Luna Classic <=> Cosmos [565]'

    8. [608] 'Lum <=> Osmosis [608]'

    9. [678] 'USD coin <=> Osmosis [678]'

    10. [722] 'Evmos <=> Osmosis [722]' * the cumulative chart has taken a more upward slope in 2 sections, one of them at the beginning of 2022 to January 7 and the other from May 10 to May 14, which is related to the Terra crash. * Contracts that change in the number of transactions with Terra crash include:

      1. Osmosis <=> Sentinal [5]

      2. Sentinal <=> Cosmos [6]

      3. Luna Classic <=> Cosmos [565]

      4. Luna Classic <=> Osmosis [561]

        • Of course, cases a and b have increased their number of transactions since June 21, 2022, but cases c and d are not the same as before.


    Contact data

    -> the writer : sajjadsmoke -> discord : sajjadsmoke#5567

    ==Thanks for reading !==