Who's Got The Flow?

    Overview ๐Ÿ‘€ ~ 4 min read

    In this dashboard, I will answer this question from Flipside Crypto:

    Who is holding the most FLOW?

    Build a list of rankings to help us find the address with the most FLOW tokens.

    Identify any trends or outliers you see in this collection of whales.

    points if you can identify the wallet holders.



    Introduction ๐Ÿ’ญ

    Flow, the blockchain for open worlds โ€ โ€- Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain, designed as the foundation for a new generation of games, apps, and the digital assets that power them. It is based on a unique, multi-role architecture, and designed to scale without sharding, allowing for massive improvements in speed and throughput while preserving a developer-friendly, ACID-compliant environment.

    • Flow empowers developers to build thriving crypto- and crypto-enabled businesses. Applications on Flow can keep consumers in control of their own data; create new kinds of digital assets tradable on open markets accessible from anywhere in the world; and build open economies owned by the users that help make them valuable.
    • Smart contracts on Flow can be assembled like Lego blocks to power apps serving billions of people, from basketball fans to businesses with mission-critical requirements.

    โ€ There are four pillars that make Flow unique among existing blockchains:

    • Multi-role architecture: Flowโ€™s design is unique, allowing the network to scale to serve billions of users without sharding or reducing decentralization of consensus.
    • Resource-oriented programming: smart contracts on Flow are written in Cadence, an easier and - - safer programming language for crypto assets and apps.
    • Developer ergonomics: from upgradeable smart contracts and built-in logging support to the Flow Emulator, this network is designed for results.
    • Consumer onboarding: Flow was designed for mainstream consumers, with payment onramps catalyzing a safe and low-friction path from fiat to crypto.
    • for more information read here

    Methodology ๐Ÿง 

    To solve this question , First, I found all the addresses that had a name on the flow blockchain from the old flipside tables by filtering BLOCKCHAIN to flow and removing operators. These addresses had deficiencies in some rows,

    for example, sometimes there was no 0x at the beginning of them, or there were additional entries around the main address. I used the following query to filter and correct the addresses:

      WHEN address ilike 'a.%' THEN  concat('0x' ,lower (split_part(address,'.', 2))) 
      ELSE iff(address NOT ilike '0x%' ,concat('0x', address), address ) END AS addresses,
      CASE WHEN addresses = '0x 0xb65cb9286d8eab6c' THEN '0xb65cb9286d8eab6c' ELSE addresses END AS addresses2

    Then I had to subtract the total amount deposited into each wallet from the total amount withdrawn from each wallet to get the balance held by each wallet.

    For this, I used the flow.core.fact_events table and limited the answers to (only Flow token deposit and withdrawal).

    Now I have the names of the addresses that are named and the addresses that are not named and the current balance of the Flow token of each address. Now, I name the addresses whose current balance is more than 50,000 Flow as whales. Addresses whose current balance is between 20,000 and 50,000 Flow are special users or 'High Users' Addresses whose current balance is between 5,000 and 20,000 Flow are called "Medium Users". Addresses whose current balance is less than 5,000 Flow are small users or 'Low Users'

    I ranked Wallets by descending current $Flow Balance

    I also put a parameter query so that you can find the rank you want or the address you want

    Regarding the activity of whales, I followed all the addresses that had more than 50,000 tokens in all parts of the blockchain such as Bridge, Swaps, Transfers, Staking, and NFT (Buy or Sell) and checked the number of their transactions on a monthly chart

    Some Notes ๐Ÿ“

    1. I name the addresses whose current balance is more than 50,000 $Flow as whales.
    2. Addresses whose current balance is between 20,000 and 50,000 $Flow are special users or 'High Users'
    3. Addresses whose current balance is between 5,000 and 20,000 $Flow are called "Medium Users".
    4. Addresses whose current balance is less than 5,000 $Flow are small users or 'Low Users'

    Chart & Analyze ๐Ÿงช๐Ÿ“Š

    Queries and parametric charts ๐Ÿพ


    Some Notes ๐Ÿ“

    • In order to see the graphs better, set the interval you specify for the rank to less than 50,
    • for example 1 to 50 or 250 to 300

    Search by user address


    Review of the top 30 addresses


    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • Among the 30 addresses that currently have the most $Flow, 4 addresses are related to kraken, okex, gate.io, coinlist exchanges, and the address that has the most tokens is related to $FLOW staking.
    • The whale that currently has the most tokens is 0x8f77d48caf93fd93, which has even more tokens than the hot wallet addresses of exchanges ๐Ÿคฏ .
    • According to all users, it seems that it is difficult to keep tokens in wallets in this blockchain, and tokens are constantly rotating, which greatly contributes to the health of the blockchain.
    • On average, 282 Flow tokens are allocated for each address

    How is the distribution of $Flow in the addresses?


    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • More than 99% of the addresses have less than 1 flow in their wallets, maybe this seems a bit alarming at first glance, but if we are familiar with blockchain flow, it is a blockchain that provides a wide range of services that can be used to sell Topshot fan tickets. And he gave the example of tickets to see RaceDay matches in the form of NFTs, which actually do not leave money in the users' pockets ๐Ÿ˜…
    • Among the holders who have names, the names of most exchanges can be seen, but apart from them, some contracts also hold some Flow tokens.

    What are the addresses that have names and currently have more than 1000 $Flow in their wallets?


    What has been the activity of whales who currently have more than 50,000 $Flow in the Flow blockchain over time?


    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • Whales have not been very active in the bridges.
    • Sometimes in some months they have not recorded any transactions at all, but in the last 3 months, 5 transactions from Ethereum to Flow can be seen.
    • In general, whales are their first bridging destinations from Flo to Ethereum and vice versa

    How was the whale swap activity every month?

    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • Whale swaps are a bit interesting and there seems to be a trend
    • The number of swap transactions in June 2022 was a handful and sometimes there were 5 transactions per month, but in the last 5 months, a significant growth of swaps has been observed, which reached its highest number in August 2022.
    • Swap whales between TeleportedTetherToken, FlowToken, and FiatToken includes almost 99% of their transactions.

    How was the whale Transfer activity every month?


    How was the whale Staking activity every month?

    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • Whales use FlowToken a lot in the transfer of their tokens, and a very limited number have been registered with other tokens in some months.

    ๐Ÿ•ต๏ธโ€โ™€๏ธ observations

    • The whales in the staking section seem to have increased their activity since October 2021 and have recorded more transactions than the previous months in this context.
      • A large percentage of their activities are related to Delegator Tokens Committed and Delegator Reward Tokens Withdrawn

    How was the whale activity In NFT every month?


    Conclusion ๐ŸŽ‰

    1. Among the 30 addresses that currently have the most $Flow, 4 addresses are related to kraken, okex, gate.io, coinlist exchanges, and the address that has the most tokens is related to $FLOW staking and this whale address 0x8f77d48caf93fd93 has even more tokens than the hot wallet addresses of exchanges
    2. According to all users, it seems that it is difficult to keep tokens in wallets in this blockchain, and tokens are constantly rotating, which greatly contributes to the health of the blockchain.
    3. Among the activities of whales, the number of swaps done by them has increased significantly in the last 5 months
      • Swap whales between TeleportedTetherToken, FlowToken, and FiatToken includes almost 99% of their transactions.

    Contact data ๐Ÿ‘‹

    โ†’ the writer :sajjadsmoke

    โ†’ discord : Sajjadiii#5567

    Thanks for reading !

    tweet This Dashboard here !

    Appendix ๐Ÿค

    The solution of this question and the queries are completely used from the filipside database

    The construction of the dashboard was also used from the site

    app.flipsidecrypto.com/velocity, which belongs to flipside
