Arbs, Arbs Everywhere!

    Q.112 One of the main players in the THORChain ecosystem are "traders" ( These traders trade at high frequency to earn profits and are a key cog to help balance prices on THORChain.


    In the table, the addresses of bot wallets are checked with the number of their swaps and their swap volume. Based on this, the address is ==0x53****0988== They have had the largest number of swaps with a volume of about 94 million dollars and with the number of 1008 swaps

    In the diagram below The number of bot swaps has been checked as a percentage, and the address ==0x53****0988== had the highest number of swaps with about 26%.

    In the diagram below In terms of numbers, the number of bot swaps has been checked, and the address ==0x53****0988== had the highest number of swaps with about 26%.


    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of dollar volume weekly It has been verified that The largest volume was on October 18, 2021

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of the dollar volume of the swap as a percentage It has been verified that The highest number was for ==THOR.RUNE== with about 53%

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of number of swaps weekly It has been verified that The highest number was on June 13, 2022

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of number of swaps as a percentage It has been verified that The highest number was for ==THOR.RUNE== with about 51%

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of growth in the number of swaps weekly checked

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of the growth of the swap dollar volume weekly It has been verified that The highest growth is for ==THOR.RUNE== and since April 18, 2022, this growth has been intense


    In the diagram below Tokens swapped from by bots In terms of number of swaps weekly It has been verified that The highest number was on June 13, 2022

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped from by bots In terms of number of swaps as a percentage It has been verified that The highest number was for ==THOR.RUNE== with about 48%

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped from by bots In terms of dollar volume weekly It has been verified that The largest volume was on October 18, 2021

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped to by bots In terms of the dollar volume of the swap as a percentage It has been verified that The highest number was for THOR.RUNE with about 46%

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped from by bots In terms of growth in the number of swaps weekly checked

    In the diagram below Tokens swapped from by bots In terms of the growth of the swap dollar volume weekly It has been verified that The highest growth is for ==THOR.RUNE== and since April 11, April 2022, this growth has been intense


    Below is the average volume of swap bots


    Below is the weekly average number of bot valves, which is about 338 per week


    In the table below Number of ==synths== and ==non-synths== For bots, it has been verified that the number of non-synths was about 15 thousand and the number of synths was about 980 swaps.


    In the diagram below Number of synths and non-synths It has been checked for bots in the form of a percentage of about ==94%== non-synths and about ==6%== synths.

    In the diagram below Weekly Number of synths and non-synths It has been checked for bots that we see an ==increase in synths on June 13==, 2020

    In the table below Profitability of bots has been checked and also their number of transactions based on that The address ==0xd8****4ad7== has earned more than 100 thousand dollars with about 1200 swaps


    In the diagram below as a percentage The benefits of bots have been verified The address 0xd8****4ad7 has gained the most profit with ==about 31%== more than other bots

    In the diagram below in terms of dollar volume The benefits of bots have been verified The address 0xd8****4ad7 made the most profit

    Conclusion → In this dashboard, check Arbs, Arbs Everywhere! We checked.

    Bot definition in the dashboard: A bot is a wallet whose wallet address starts with '0x%' and has done more than 100 swaps since October 1, 2021.

    • The average volume of swap bots was around 14 thousand dollars
    • The average swap frequency per week was about 338 swaps
    • About 13 bots were identified in this survey
    • The bot with the address 0x53****0988 has done the most swaps
    • The address 0x53****0988 has done about 26% of all swap bots
    • The most popular token they have swapped to and from has been THOR.RUNE
    • It seems that non-synths have been more over time, but since March 7, 2022, we have seen synths swaps, and the most synths were on June 13, 2022.

    The address 0xd8****4ad7 earned the most profit

    Discord ID: Sal☰h#1747
