Celsius and Sushi

    Q104. Find out what Celsius platform has done on sushi (swaps, lending, LP'ing, farming). Make sure to use cross-chain tables as much as possible to capture data on all chains. currently, we have swaps, lending, and borrowing data cross-chain.

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools monthly Number of transactions checked


    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools monthly Growing number of swaps checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools monthly Swap volume checked


    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools as a percentage Swap volume checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools as a percentage Number of swaps checked


    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network sushi By separating the pools monthly Swap volume growth checked


    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools monthly Number of swaps checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools as a percentage Number of swaps checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools monthly Swap volume checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools monthly Swap volume growth checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools as a percentage Swap volume checked

    In the diagram below For pools in Celsius network on uniswap By separating the pools monthly Growing number of swaps checked


    In the table below For pools in celsius network in sushi By separating the pools and the number of swaps And the volume is shown in dollars

    In the table below for pools in celsius network in uniswap By separating the pools and the number of swaps And the volume is shown in dollars

    tip : Unfortunately, there was no information (lending, LP'ing, farming) in the database for celsius network, and there is only information about swaps.


    In this dashboard, we examined Celsius and Sushi and based on this

    sushi :

    Swimming pool LDO-WETH SLP had the largest volume in Sushi with about 33% In terms of transactions, the above pool ranks first with about 34% Also, the largest transaction is in April 2021 and in terms of volume in swap, the largest transaction is in November 2021. In terms of volume growth, CVX-WETH has had good growth in recent months In terms of popularity, LDO-WETH has also made great strides


    Swimming pool LDO-WETH SLP had the largest volume in Sushi with about 21% In terms of transactions, the above pool ranks first with about 27% Also, the largest transaction is in April 2021 and in terms of volume in swap, the largest transaction is in November 2021. In terms of volume growth, CVX-WETH has had good growth in recent months In terms of popularity, LDO-WETH has made great progress.