ETH Flash Bounty: What’s Next?

    The Merge has come and gone — what will be the next story, trend, or outlier to dominate the ETH space?


    :triangular_flag_on_post: 4 trends were checked

    1 → Swaps

    2 → NFT tracker

    3 → Transfers

    4 → Transactions

    :triangular_flag_on_post: Date filter

    block_timestamp::date >='2022-08-28' and  block_timestamp::date <'2022-09-15'
    and  block_timestamp::date >='2022-09-15'

    In this method, two time periods were examined

    :1st_place_medal: Before Merge

    :2nd_place_medal: After Merge



    NFT tracker






    :triangular_flag_on_post: In the 6 graphs below, we examined the swaps before and after Merge →

    1- The number of swaps → The most swap was on September 26

    2- Dollar volume of swaps → The largest dollar volume of swaps was on September 16

    3- The number of swappers → The highest participation of the unique wallet was on September 15

    4- The percentage of swappers → The number of swappers before and after Merge was equal in terms of percentage

    5- Dollar volume of swaps (Percent ) → The dollar volume of swaps after Merge is about 56%

    6- The percentage of the number of swaps → The number of swaps after Merge is about 53%

    :triangular_flag_on_post: In the following 8 graphs, we examined the trend of NFTs before and after Merge →

    1- The number of sellers , the highest sale was on August 29

    2- The highest percentage of sales in terms of NFTs was before Merge

    3- The number of NFT sales was higher before the Merge

    4- The dollar sales volume of NFTs before the Merge was higher, about 55%

    5- The number of NFT sale transactions after Merge has increased by about 51%

    6- The number of sellers increased by about 51% after Merge

    :triangular_flag_on_post: In the following 5 charts, we examined the transfer before and after Merge →

    1- The number of transfers has increased after Merge and is about 54%

    2- The dollar volume of transfers has increased after Merge

    3- The number of unique wallets increased after the Merge, and the highest participation of unique wallets was on September 27

    :triangular_flag_on_post: In the following 6 charts, we examined the transactions before and after Merge and based on this →

    1- The number of unique transaction wallets on September 17th has the highest participation and after Merge with 52% more than before Merge with about 48%.

    2- The number of transactions after the Merge was more, and in terms of the percentage after the Merge, it was about 52%, and the highest transaction was on September 17.

    3- The fee of transactions before the Merge was more than after the Merge, so before the Merge it was about 54% and after the Merge it was about 46%.


    Observed changes:

    Swaps →

    1- The dollar volume of swaps before Merge was about 48% 2- The number of swaps after Merge was more than before Merge 3- The dollar volume of swaps has increased after the Merger and is about 56%, and the largest volume was on September 16.

    NFTs →

    1- The number of sellers, the highest sale was on August 29

    2- The highest percentage of sales in terms of NFTs was before Merge

    3- The number of NFT sales was higher before the Merger

    4- The dollar sales volume of NFTs before the Merge was higher, about 55%

    5- The number of NFT sale transactions after Merge has increased by about 51%

    6- The number of sellers increased by about 51% after Merge

    Transfers →

    1- The number of transfers has increased after Merge and is about 54%

    2- The dollar volume of transfers has increased after Merge

    3- The number of unique wallets increased after the Merge, and the highest participation of unique wallets was on September 27 Transactions →

    1- The number of unique transaction wallets on September 17th has the highest participation and after Merge with 52% more than before Merge with about 48%.

    2- The number of transactions after the Merge was more, and in terms of the percentage after the Merge, it was about 52%, and the highest transaction was on September 17.

    3- The fee of transactions before the Merge was more than after the Merge, so before the Merge it was about 54% and after the Merge it was about 46%.

    written by

    Discord ID: Sal☰h#1747

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