ETH Removed
Examine user behavior in recent weeks leading up to the merge on at least 3 major protocols.

- In this review of blockchains 1- Solana 2- Uniswap 3-Aave 4- Sushiswap 5-Thorchain
The date filter is from the last 4 weeks
- stETH and WETH tokens are used for Aave
- Swap table is used in all protocols
- Only in the Uniswap protocol, in addition to the swap table, the liquidity withdrawal table in the pools is also used
- In all charts, the number of remover wallets and the volume of remover are checked based on Ethereum
- In all protocol charts, the average volume of REMOVE is based on Ethereum
- Finally, the reviewed protocols have been compared
Comparative charts
In the following 7 charts, 5 protocols are compared →
- In the table and the first three charts
- The number of remover wallets
- The amount of remove based on Ethereum
- Average volume of remove based on Ethereum
- The number of remover wallets on a daily basis
- Volume removed daily
- Average volume removed daily
- Comparison of the volume and number of remover wallets as a percentage
- The growth of removed volume and the growth of the number of remover wallets
What is an Ethereum merge?
The Ethereum network's transition to Proof of Stake (PoS), or its new consensus mechanism for verifying cryptocurrency transactions, is called The Merge. In fact, the Proof of Stake algorithm will be replaced by the Proof of Work algorithm invented by Bitcoin. What exactly does Marj mean? Beacon Chain, a proof-of-stake network for Ethereum launched in 2020. However, the network still cannot process a transaction.
This chain basically serves as a place for Ethereum projects to prepare for proof-of-stake updates. For Ethereum to become fully PoS, the Beacon chain (referred to as the "consensus" layer) and the main Ethereum PoW network (referred to as the execution layer) must be combined or merged.
- Highest volume of Remove for Aave on September 15th
- The largest withdrawal of liquidity in Uniswap on August 17
- The largest volume of Remove on Uniswap on September 13
- The largest volume of Remove on Sushiswap on September 7
- The largest amount of Remove on Thorchain on September 9
- The largest volume of Remove in Solana on August 19
in comparison →
- :1st_place_medal: The highest remove for the Aave protocol was around 55%
- :2nd_place_medal: Second place for Uniswap with about 37%
- :3rd_place_medal: Third place for Sushiswap with about 6%
- Since September 1st, Aave has seen growth compared to Uniswap in Ethereum volume removal analysis