Flow Speed

    Q4. One of Flow's main features is its speed compared to other blockchains. Blockchain performance can be measured as Transactions per minute. Measure the transactions per minute of Flow since May 9th and 'Successful transactions per minute' and create a chart showing how that metric has fluctuated during that time period.


    The following chart in FLOW shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9


    The following chart in FLOW shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9 in terms of growth


    The following chart in FLOW shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9 in terms of percentage per day


    The following line chart shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9 and this comparison between blockchains :FLOW, ETHEREUM, OSMOSIS and ALGORAND


    The bar chart below shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9, and this comparison between blockchains FLOW, ETHEREUM, OSMOSIS and ALGORAND


    The bar chart below shows the growth in the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9, an this comparison between blockchains: FLOW, ETHEREUM, OSMOSIS and ALGORAND


    The bar chart below shows the percentage of transactions per minute per day since May 9, and this comparison between blockchains : FLOW, ETHEREUM, OSMOSIS and ALGORAND


    The chart below for FLOW shows the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9 for actions


    The chart below for FLOW shows the percentage of transactions per minute per day from May 9 for the top 10 actions


    The chart below for FLOW examines the number of transactions per minute per day from May 9 for the top 10 actions


    Conclusion :

    In this dashboard, Flow Speed has been examined and according to this, the maximum number of transactions per minute was 30. About 25% of the total transactions were for TokensDeposited, and TokensWithdrawn was in the second place, and in the comparison chart, the number of transactions in Minutes were higher than OSMOSIS and lower than ETHEREUM and ALGORAND, and in the growth chart between these 4 blockchains, the highest growth was for Flow.