Forefront Treasury

    Create a visualization showing Forefront's treasury holdings over time. How have they allocated funds over time between FF holdings, USDC holdings and ETH holdings? Has the structure of holdings changed as Forefront has transitioned to "Season 2? Provide some insight on Forefront's new structure of incentivizing contributions and how the treasury can best be set up to do this. What percentage of payments made by the treasury are in USDC vs FF?

    The chart below shows the Forefront treasury holdings over time


    The chart below shows the percentage of Forefront's treasury holdings over time, based on:

    - FF with about 84.9 percent
    - ETH with about 1%
    - USDC with about 14%

    The chart below shows Forefront treasury holdings over time by seasonal classification

    The chart below shows Forefront's treasury holdings in seasonal terms as a percentage based on:

    - In the first season, about 53%
    - In the second season, about 47%

    The percentage chart below compares the daily Treasury payments in the USDC versus the FF

    The following graph is compared as a percentage of Treasury payments in USDC versus FF, based on:

    - About 43% for FF
    - About 57% for USDC


    In the dashboard, we looked at the Forefront Treasury, which seems to be progressing. Although the percentage of the first season is higher than the second season, but when we look at the charts and the assets, we see that Iqbal is heading to the Forefront, and this in However, the market situation is not bullish and it seems that with the bullish market, the Forefront Treasury will be better and this forecast can be reasonable.