Lido vs. The Field

    Q7. How does Lido usage compare to other top staking platforms? Choose 2 platforms to compare it to.

    The chart below shows the weekly volume of staked for Lido and Rocket Pool and ANKR were performed based on:

    - The largest volume for Lido was on March 14, 2022
    - The largest volume for ANKR was on December 21, 2020
    - The largest volume for Rocket Pool was on March 7, 2022
    The chart below shows the number of transactions per week for Lido and Rocket Pool and ANKR were performed accordingly Lido seems to have more volume than the others

    In the following chart, the assets of the three systems were examined, based on which:

    - Lido has the largest volume

    In the following two graphs, the number of users of these three was examined


    In this dashboard, Rocket Pool, Lido, ANKR were evaluated and compared from 4 points of view

    1. compare volume of staked
    2. compare volume of staked
    3. volume of staked assets
    4. number of users