More Mints

    Metaplex is an open source protocol that allows for the creation and minting of NFTs using a standardized format across wallets and applications. It is essentially the backbone architecture for Solana NFTs.

    The following chart shows the number of minted NFTs on a weekly basis, based on which:

    - The most minted has been done in the last week of 2021

    The following chart shows the number of unique purchasers on a weekly basis, based on which:

    - The most unique purchasers in the last week of January 2022
    The chart below examines user growth on a weekly basis

    The following chart shows the percentage of Metaplex's Candy participation on a daily basis, based on:

    - The highest percentage was on December 1, 2021
    The chart below shows the percentage of candy participation, which is about 74.4% so far


    In this dashboard, we reviewed Metaplex's Candy Machine: The most minted has been done in the last week of 2021 And we have also seen the growth of users And The most unique purchasers in the last week of January 2022 And The highest percentage was on December 1, 2021 And candy participation, which is about 74.4% so far
