Network Performance Dashboard

    Q95. Create a dashboard displaying Solana network performance over time.

    How has the network performed over the past month compared to the rest of the year? Has transaction per second and success rates of transactions gone up recently? Is this because of less botting or fewer users, or new improvements from the Solana engineers? What wallets and programs have paid the most in fees for failed transactions?


    In the table below on a daily basis This month and before this month Number of transactions and unique wallets and the number of transactions per second checked

    In the chart below on a daily basis This month and before this month Number of unique wallets checked

    In the chart below on a daily basis This month and before this month Number of transactions checked

    In the chart below on a daily basis This month and before this month Number of transactions per second checked

    In the chart below on a daily basis This month and before this month Rates transaction success to failure checked


    In the chart below in the current month The wallets that have the most fees paid in unsuccessful transactions have been checked as a percentage


    In the chart below in the current month The wallets that have the highest fees paid in unsuccessful transactions have been checked daily

    In the chart below on a daily basis This month and before this month Number of successful and unsuccessful transactions checked

    Conclusion :

    In this dashboard, we reviewed the Network Performance Dashboard and according to this Participation of unique wallets is more than last month But the number of transactions this month has increased compared to previous months In checking the transaction per second, it seems that the situation of TPS last month was better than the previous months And Also, in the review of the transaction success rate last month, it seems that the success rate has improved compared to the previous months. In the analysis of the wallets that had the highest fees in failed transactions, the address was 5AmZM5qY2LZtBMVSTVzyZmUGFCgiMTD9xaRuLF8XF1hK, and in second place was 5xoBq7f7CDgZwqHrDBdRWM84ExRetg4gZq93dyJtoSwp and It seems that the growth of the success rate was due to the improvement of the system by the engineers.