NFT Buying Behavior on Flow

    Q10. Create a series of dashboards comparing wallet behavior for buying and selling NFTs on Flow compared to on Ethereum and Solana. Is there more or less "whale" activity on Flow compared to each of the other chains? What do "whales" tend to focus on in Flow? How common is "flipping" on Flow (selling within 24 hrs, within a week etc) compared to other chains, or do wallets tend to hold onto their NFTs? Are wallets more interested in new projects, or already existing projects on Flow?


    The chart below shows the NFT sales volume in Flow, Solana, Ethereum on a daily basis


    The chart below shows the number of unique wallets about NFT in Flow, Solana, Ethereum on a daily basis.


    The chart below shows the number of NFT sales growth in Flow, Solana, Ethereum on a daily basis


    The chart below shows the number of NFT vendor wallets in Flow, Solana, Ethereum as a percentage.


    The chart below shows the purchase volume of NFT whales In Flow, Solana, Ethereum is reviewed daily


    The chart below shows the number of NFT whale purchases in Flow, Solana, Ethereum is reviewed daily


    The chart below shows the growth in the number of NFT whale purchases in In Flow, Solana, Ethereum is reviewed daily


    The chart below shows the average daily distance between buying and selling whales in Flow, Solana, Ethereum.


    The chart below examines the number of whales interested in new or old projects Flow, Solana, Ethereum



    In this dashboard, we reviewed NFT Buying Behavior on Flow, and in this review, a comparison was made between Flow, Solana, and Ethereum. FT has the largest share with about 55%, but the growth of Flow is visible and important, and in the study of whales, we see a very large growth of Flow whales, and in the study of the most popular collections, TopShot seems to be ranked first and in The daily review also emphasizes the above point and it seems that whales in Flow are most interested in keeping their NFTs and in Ethereum they sell their NFTs faster.