RUNE bonded + slashed amounts

    Q103. How much RUNE is bonded, how much RUNE has been slashed from those bonds (total and or over time)?


    In the below, the total volume of the bond is examined


    In the diagram below, the total volume of Bond growth is examined on a weekly basis


    In the diagram below the total volume of the bond is checked on a weekly basis


    In the diagram below, shows the total volume of the slash


    The chart below shows the total volume of the slash on a weekly basis


    The chart below shows the total volume of slash growth on a weekly basis


    In this dashboard, we looked at RUNE bonded + slashed amounts and based on that About 225 million RUNE has been bonded and about 5 million RUNE has been slashed and the net bond is about 40 million RUNE and the highest bond was in the first week of May 2022 and the highest slash is in the first week of November 2021. The bond growth chart also shows an increase in bond. We were in 2022.