Transactions by Protocol

    Q115. Using the following App ID lists from Folks Finance, AlgoFi, Tinyman, and AlgoDex, lets look at what percent of transactions their app calls and associated transactions(transactions in the same tx_group_id) make up on the Algorand blockchain.


    In the diagram below Number of transactions daily basis We checked Separately for each program

    In the diagram below Total fees to ALGO daily basis We checked Separately for each program

    In the diagram below The unique wallet number of the transaction daily basis We checked Separately for each program

    In the diagram below Number of transactions as a percentage We checked Separately for each program

    In the diagram below Total Fee to ALGO as a percentage We checked Separately for each program

    In the diagram below The unique wallet number of the transaction as a percentage We checked Separately for each program


    In the diagram below Number of transactions with ALGO price daily basis For Algofi We compared

    In the diagram below Number of transactions with ALGO price daily basis For TinyMan We compared

    In the diagram below Number of transactions with ALGO price daily basis For Folks Finance We compared

    In the diagram below Number of transactions with ALGO price daily basis For Algodex We compared


    In the table below The number of transactions and the name of the programs and the sum of FEE and the number of wallets is brought

    Conclusion :

    in the dashboard, check Transactions by Protocol according to this: The number of transactions on June 2 was the highest with about 215 thousand transactions And it seems that from January 10, 2022 to January 18, the number of transactions has decreased And the highest FEE has been received in June 2022 and Also in May 2022 and The most unique wallet transaction was on June 19, 2022 and In terms of percentage, TinyMan had the largest share in the number of transactions with about 92% It seems that although Algofi's transactions were much less than TinyMan's, the overall Fee is the same in TinyMan and Algofi, and this means that whales are more interested in Algofi and And in the percentage of the number of unique wallets, TinyMan had the largest share with about 60% In comparing the number of transactions and the daily price of ALGO, we see an interesting point, and that is In three programs Folks Finance And Algodex And TinyMan When the daily price of ALGO has decreased, the number of transactions has also decreased, but in Algofi has been different and the number of transactions has increased when the daily price of ALGO has decreased.