Untitled BoardRaceDay NFTs

    How does Speedway Motorsports RaceDay NFTs stack up to sports NFT collections in the FLOW ecosystem? What other projects are RaceDay fans buying?

    What is RaceDay NFT?

    RaceDay NFT a first-of-its-kind motorsports NFT marketplace for race fans. The digital collections featured on RaceDayNFT will showcase unique racing collectibles from several well known Motorsports brands.



    • To find the RaceDay NFT, the following code was used in this table →

      from flow.core.ez_nft_sales 
      where nft_collection  = 'A.329feb3ab062d289.RaceDay_NFT'
    • The following code to extract the daily average price of FLOW token→

      with lst_price as (
          timestamp::date as avg_day
          ,avg (price_usd) as flow_price
        from flow.core.fact_prices
        where symbol ='FLOW' 
        group by 1
    • The following formulas for average daily, weekly and monthly sales→

      (volume_usd/active_days) as "Average daily sales volume $USD"
      (volume_usd/(active_days/7)) as "Average weekly sales volume $USD"
      (volume_usd/(active_days/30)) as "Average monthly sales volume $USD"
    • Daily, weekly and monthly moving average →

      avg (avg_price_usd) over (order by date rows between 1 PRECEDING and current row) as M_A_Daily
      avg (avg_price_usd) over (order by date rows between 7 PRECEDING and current row) as M_A_Weekly
      avg (avg_price_usd) over (order by date rows between 30 PRECEDING and current row) as M_A_Monthly
    • To extract cross, first I found RaceDay buyers and then I checked what other projects and other collections those buyers were interested in and bought NFT from them

    Summary of statistics

    This section summarizes and general statistics of all the activities related to RaceDay NFTs analyzed→

    • 372 days have passed since the RaceDay activity
    • 4400 sales
    • About 19 thousand mints
    • The highest selling price is $2500
    • The daily sales rate is about #11
    • The total sales volume is about $29k
    • Number of buyers #516
    • Number of sellers #1008
    • The average selling price is $6.75
    • Number of NFT traded #3630
    • The average daily selling price based on the number of days is $79.9
    • The average selling price is $1
    • Average weekly sales of $558
    • Average monthly sales of $2390

    Analysis based on time


    What is the Flow Blockchain?

    Flow is a fast, decentralized, and developer-friendly blockchain built by Dapper Labs to power some of the biggest brands’ NFTs and digital collectibles such as the NBA, UFC, CNN, Warner Music Group, Dr. Seuss, Ubisoft and more. Flow leverages an environmentally friendly design via Proof-of-Stake that consumes thousands of times less energy than Proof-of-Work blockchains like the current Ethereum network. The combination of eco-friendly design, scalability and the diversity of projects building on Flow is a key reason we chose to run Canes Vault on the Flow blockchain. Learn more about the Flow blockchain at onflow.org.


    Comparison of the number of buyers and sellers and the number of sales and the number of NFTs

    • The most sold on April 28, 2022

    1- Weekly USD sales volume and sales rate

    • The largest USD sales volume on April 18, 2022

    2- Comparison of average selling price and average selling price

    • The highest average weekly sales price was $34 on April 18
    • The highest average sale on September 5, 2022 is around $13

    second part-Summary of statistics


    Comparison of weekly and monthly moving average USD sales volume

    • We see the growth of the monthly moving average and the fluctuations of the weekly moving average

    Comparison of daily growth →

    1 - Number of sales

    2- The number of NFT

    3 - Number of sellers

    4 - Number of buyers


    Comparison of daily USD sales volume growth with daily mint growth

    • On April 20, 2022, we see sales growth
    • On July 8, 2022, we see the growth of mint

    Comparison of cross collections in terms of daily, weekly and monthly average sales volume

    • The highest average sales was for TopShot

    Comparison of cross collections in terms of the number of mints and buyers and active days and the number of NFTs and the number of sales

    • The highest number of mints and buyers and active days and the number of NFTs and the number of sales were for the TopShot collection.

    The first part


    Comparison of cross collections in terms of sales volume and average sales price

    • Highest sales volume for TopShot
    • Highest average selling price for MatrixWorldVoucher

    Checking the percentage of cross collection RaceDay →

    1- Percentage of dollar volume of sales

    2-percent of the number of buyers

    3-percent of the number of sellers

    4- The percentage of the number of sales

    • Percentage of sales dollar volume for TopShot with about 58%
    • Percentage of buyers for TopShot with around 14%
    • The percentage of the number of sellers for TopShot with about 66%
    • The percentage of sales for TopShot with about 63%

    second part-Analysis based on time


    Cross collections check weekly based on sales numbers

    • The highest sales were on February 21

    Cross-check collections on a weekly basis based on the number of buyers

    • The most buyers were on February 21

    Cross-check collections on a weekly basis based on the number of sellers

    • The highest seller was on February 21, which was related to AllDay

    Cross-check collections on a weekly basis based on the number of NFTs

    • The most NFT was on February 28, which was related to TopShot

    Cross-check collections on a weekly basis based on the number of sales

    • The highest sale was on January 3, which was related to MatrixWorldVoucher

    Check cross collections on a weekly basis Average selling price

    • The highest average was related to TopShot

    Findings and conclusions

    The first part→

    • 372 days have passed since the RaceDay activity
    • 4400 sales
    • About 19 thousand mints
    • The highest selling price is $2500
    • The daily sales rate is about #11
    • The total sales volume is about $29k
    • Number of buyers #516
    • Number of sellers #1008
    • The average selling price is $6.75
    • Number of NFT traded #3630
    • The average daily selling price based on the number of days is $79.9
    • The average selling price is $1
    • Average weekly sales of $558
    • Average monthly sales of $2390

    • The most sold on April 28, 2022
    • The largest USD sales volume on April 18, 2022
    • The highest average weekly sales price was $34 on April 18
    • The highest average sale on September 5, 2022 is around $13
    • growth of the monthly moving average and the fluctuations of the weekly moving average
    • On April 20, 2022, we see sales growth
    • On July 8, 2022, we see the growth of mint

    The second part→cross-project comparative metrics:

    • highest average sales was for TopShot
    • highest number of mints and buyers and active days and the number of NFTs and the number of sales were for the TopShot collection
    • highest sales volume for TopShot
    • highest average selling price for MatrixWorldVoucher
    • percentage of sales dollar volume for TopShot with about 58%
    • percentage of buyers for TopShot with around 14%
    • percentage of the number of sellers for TopShot with about 66%
    • percentage of sales for TopShot with about 63%

    • highest sales were on February 21
    • most buyers were on February 21
    • most NFT was on February 28, which was related to TopShot
    • highest seller was on February 21, which was related to AllDay
    • highest sale was on January 3, which was related to MatrixWorldVoucher
    • highest average was related to TopShot

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