Untitled BoardSolana NFT Championship
There’s no shortage of sports-related NFTs on Solana, from Collectorz Club and Suites to Laidback Lions and Aaron Jones’ Showtime collection — but who can lay claim to the title of Solana sports NFT champion?
To get the price of Solana from the swap table, it was done with the following code
with sol_price as ( select block_timestamp::date as date ,avg (swap_to_amount/swap_from_amount) as price from solana.fact_swaps where swap_to_mint in ('EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v' ,'Es9vMFrzaCERmJfrF4H2FYD4KCoNkY11McCe8BenwNYB') and swap_from_mint = 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112' and succeeded = 'TRUE' group by 1 order by 1 )
To extract NFTs from solana.core.dim_labels table used
, all_nfts as ( select address,address_name as collection from solana.core.dim_labels where address_name in('Sports Rewind','The Suites' ,'Laidback Lions' ,'collectorz club gen1' ,'Collectorz Club: The Collectorz' ,'Hockey Heroes'))
Total statistics
Weekly statistics
:triangular_flag_on_post: In this section, weekly analysis was done as follows →
- The number of sales that was the highest on January 17
- Number of buyers
- Average sales volume, which was the highest average on October 10
- Average sales USD$ volume, which was the highest average on May 16
- The number of NFT sold
- Number of buyers
- Daily average number of buyers
- moving average
- Sales volume
- Dollar volume of sales
Conclusions and findings
In this dashboard, we examined the Solana NFT Championship and based on this, the following findings were obtained →
The highest volume of sales for The Suites
The highest immediate dollar volume for The Suites
2nd place for Hockey Heroes
3rd place Collectorz Club: The Collectorz
4rd place Laidback Lions
5rd rank of collectorz club gen1
6rd rank of Sports Rewind
weekly analysis→
- The number of sales that was the highest on January 17
- Average sales volume, which was the highest average on October 10
Average sales USD$ volume, which was the highest average on May 16
Average Sales Price →
The Suites collection had the highest average price( USD$) per day and week
Analysis (daily/weekly/monthly) →
- In all cases, The Suites collection has received the most statistics
The dashboard link has been tweeted
written by
Discord ID: Sal☰h#1747
email : saleh.mz@gmail.com
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- Name of the collection
- Sales number
- Number of buyers
- Number of sellers
- The number of NFTs sold
- Sales volume
- Sales volume in USD$
- Average sales volume
- Average sales volume in USD$
- The percentage share of each collection relative to each other
Analysis of sales volume
- The highest volume of sales for The Suites
- The highest immediate dollar volume for The Suites
- 2nd place for Hockey Heroes
- 3rd place Collectorz Club: The Collectorz
- 4rd place Laidback Lions
- 5rd rank of collectorz club gen1
- 6rd rank of Sports Rewind