Untitled BoardThe Battle of the Solana NFT Aggregator

    A new sector of NFT marketplaces have begun to gain popularity on Solana, the NFT AMM. One of the most notable NFT AMMs on Solana so far is Hadeswap.

    What is the Solana network?

    Solana is an open-source, public blockchain that supports smart contracts, peer-to-peer tokens (NFTs), and a wide range of decentralized applications. Coin is a native of the Solana SOL network, which, in addition to the role of exchanges, is also used to secure the network through staking or depositing. Solana network has the ability to process 50 to 65 thousand transactions per second. For this reason, it considers itself a serious competitor for Ethereum.


    What is HyperSpace?

    HyperSpace is an all-in-one tool to track, trade, review, and analyze Solana Network NFT projects. One of the very good features of this site is the ability to see the rank of each of the NFTs of a specific collection. This feature is especially useful when an NFT project has not received enough attention and their prices are lower than the real price. In these cases, you can make a better and more accurate purchase by using this option.

    What is CoralCube?

    CoralCube is an NFT marketplace and aggregator that aims to highlight three columns of web3 in the context of NFTs: -Easy and smooth access to the digital content on the Solana blockchain and interactions with on-chain NFT marketplaces. -Transparency wrt NFT ownership and credentials -Community owned/powered platforms and products. These three will ultimately lower the technological and economical barriers for new players to enter the competition and minimize the emergence of monopolies.



    • The following code was used to extract the price of SOL

      --*************************************SOL price*********************************
      with sol_price as(
          block_timestamp::date as avg_date
          ,avg (swap_to_amount/swap_from_amount) as price
        from solana.fact_swaps
        where swap_to_mint in ('EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v'
          and swap_from_mint = 'So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112'
          and succeeded = 'TRUE'
        group by 1
        order by 1
    • To extract the Coral Cube from the filter

      from solana.core.fact_nft_sales where marketplace = 'coral cube'
    • To extract the Coral Cube from the filter

      from solana.core.fact_nft_sales where marketplace = 'hyperspace'

    All charts of this dashboard have been used from the last 38 days until now


    A comparison of the number of sellers has been checked

    • The biggest seller has been coral cube with around 78% and hyperspace with around 22%

    The comparison of USD$ sales volume has been checked

    • The largest USD$ sales volume was for coral cube with about 51% and hyperspace with about 49%

    The comparison of the sales volume has been checked

    • The largest sales volume was for coral cube with around 60% and hyperspace with around 40%

    Comparison of the average sales volume has been checked

    • The highest average sales volume was for hyperspace cube with around 80% and coral cube with around 19%

    A comparison of the number of sales has been verified

    • The highest number of sales was for coral cube with around 87% and hyperspace with around 13%

    A comparison of the number of sold NFTs has been reviewed

    • The highest number of NFTs sold was for coral cube with around 85% and hyperspace with around 14%

    The comparison of the number of buyers has been checked

    • The highest number of buyers was for coral cube with around 77% and hyperspace with around 23%

    A comparison of average USD$ sales has been made

    • The highest average USD$ sales were for hyperspace cube with around 85% and coral cube with around 15%

    A comparison of the number of active days has been checked

    • The most active day was for coral cube with about 87% and hyperspace with about 12%
    • The number of active days of coral cube is 270 days
    • The number of active hyperspace days is 38 days

    1- Comparing the average sales volume

    • The highest average sales volume was on October 18 for Hyperspace

    2- Comparing the average USD$ volume of sales

    • The highest average USD$ volume of sales was on October 18 for Hyperspace

    1- Comparison of sales volume

    • The highest volume of sales was on October 9 for Coral Cube

    2- Comparing the USD$ volume of sales

    • The highest USD$ volume of sales was on October 18 for Hyperspace

    1- Daily comparison of the number of NFTs sold

    • The most NFT sold on October 11 was for Coral Cube

    2- Comparing the number of sales

    • The highest number of sales was on October 11 for Coral Cube

    1- Daily comparison of the number of buyers

    • The most buyer on October 11 was for Coral Cube

    2- Comparing the number of sellers

    • The best seller on October 11 was for Coral Cube

    1- Comparing the sales growth of the number of NFTs

    • The trend of NFT sales growth has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube

    2- Comparing the growth of the number of sellers

    • The growth trend of the number of sellers has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube

    3- Comparison of sales volume growth

    • On October 5, Coral Cube's sales volume has overtaken Hyperspace and continues to grow

    4- Comparing the growth of the number of buyers

    • The growth trend of the number of buyers has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube

    5- Comparing the growth of USD$ sales volume

    • USD$ sales volume growth has intensified for Hyperspace on October 18 and is expected to overtake Coral Cube

    6- Comparison of sales growth

    • The growth trend of the number of sales has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube

    Findings and conclusion

    findings →

    • The biggest seller has been coral cube with around 78% and hyperspace with around 22%
    • The most active day was for coral cube with about 87% and hyperspace with about 12%
    • The number of active days of coral cube is 270 days
    • The number of active hyperspace days is 38 days
    • The highest average USD$ sales were for hyperspace cube with around 85% and coral cube with around 15%
    • The highest number of buyers was for coral cube with around 77% and hyperspace with around 23%
    • The highest number of NFTs sold was for coral cube with around 85% and hyperspace with around 14%
    • The highest number of sales was for coral cube with around 87% and hyperspace with around 13%
    • The highest average sales volume was for hyperspace cube with around 80% and coral cube with around 19%
    • The largest sales volume was for coral cube with around 60% and hyperspace with around 40%
    • The largest USD$ sales volume was for coral cube with about 51% and hyperspace with about 49%

    • The most buyer on October 11 was for Coral Cube
    • The best seller on October 11 was for Coral Cube
    • The most NFT sold on October 11 was for Coral Cube
    • The highest number of sales was on October 11 for Coral Cube
    • The highest volume of sales was on October 9 for Coral Cube
    • The highest USD$ volume of sales was on October 18 for Hyperspace
    • The highest average sales volume was on October 18 for Hyperspace
    • The highest average USD$ volume of sales was on October 18 for Hyperspace

    • The trend of NFT sales growth has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube
    • The growth trend of the number of sellers has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube
    • On October 5, Coral Cube's sales volume has overtaken Hyperspace and continues to grow
    • The growth trend of the number of buyers has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube
    • USD$ sales volume growth has intensified for Hyperspace on October 18 and is expected to overtake Coral Cube
    • The growth trend of the number of sales has intensified since October 5, and the highest growth was for Coral Cube

    Conclusion →

    It seems that Hyperspace is overtaking Coral Cube in dollar sales volume, and this is because the price of NFTs is more valuable. Also, the average sales volume in Hyperspace is higher than Coral Cube, and the average price of USD$ is Hyperspace with 85%. Compared to Coral Cube, it is higher As a result, Coral Cube has been the winner in this war in all parameters in the last 38 days until now, except for those related to the price, volume and USD$ average, Hyperspace is the winner and has started its upward trend.