wETH Deposit Rate

    Q11. Calculate the deposit rate of wETH over time on Osmosis. How does this compare to SushiSwap and Thorchain now? How does the wETH deposit rate compare to when wETH was a relatively new asset (or the protocol was relatively new)? Is Osmosis growing at a faster rate than Thorchain and Sushiswap?

    The chart below shows the volume of the deposit and the number of transactions for the deposit on a daily basis


    The following chart shows the growth of the deposit volume and the growth of the number of transactions for the deposit on a daily basis


    The chart below compares the number of deposits in SUSHI, OSMO, THORCHAIN on a weekly basis


    The chart below compares the deposit volume in SUSHI, OSMO, THORCHAIN on a weekly basis


    The following chart compares the growth of deposits in SUSHI, OSMO, THORCHAIN on a weekly basis



    In this dashboard, we examined the wETH Deposit Rate, and based on this, the highest deposit was on May 25, 2022, and the growth of deposits in OSMO started from this date, and in comparison with SUSHI, OSMO, THORCHAIN, OSMO grew very fast compared to THORCHAIN and SUSHI. This is while the start of deposit in OSMO has started from February 7, 2022.