Sheva891Untitled Query
    Updated 2021-10-16
    SELECT sum(event_amount_usd) AS total_usd, event_from_address_name, event_currency, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) AS dt
    FROM terra.transfers
    WHERE event_from = 'terra13yxhrk08qvdf5zdc9ss5mwsg5sf7zva9xrgwgc'
    AND dt > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    AND event_currency IN ('LUNA', 'UST')
    GROUP BY 2,3,4
    SELECT sum(event_amount_usd) *-1 AS total_usd, event_from_address_name, event_currency, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) AS dt
    FROM terra.transfers
    WHERE event_to = 'terra13yxhrk08qvdf5zdc9ss5mwsg5sf7zva9xrgwgc'
    AND dt > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    AND event_currency IN ('LUNA', 'UST')
    GROUP BY 2,3,4
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