SocioCryptotransfers - last N days cross chain
    Updated 2022-12-15
    SELECT CASE WHEN SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'osmo' then 'osmo'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'axel' then 'axelar'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'grav' then 'GRAV'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'secr' then 'secret'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'terr' then 'terra'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 3) = 'cre' then 'CRE'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 3) = 'sif' then 'SIF'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'kuji' then 'kujira'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'cosm' then 'cosmos'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'evmo' then 'evmos'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'stri' then 'STRI'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) = 'juno' then 'juno'
    else SUBSTR(to_char(sender), 0, 4) end as sender_category,
    CASE WHEN SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'osmo' then 'osmo'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'axel' then 'axelar'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'grav' then 'GRAV'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'secr' then 'secret'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'terr' then 'terra'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 3) = 'cre' then 'CRE'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 3) = 'sif' then 'SIF'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'kuji' then 'kujira'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'cosm' then 'cosmos'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'evmo' then 'evmos'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'stri' then 'STRI'
    when SUBSTR(to_char(receiver), 0, 4) = 'juno' then 'juno'
    else SUBSTR(receiver, 0, 4) end as receiver_category,
    count(DISTINCT tx_id) as n_transfers,
    sum(TO_NUMBER (amount))/pow(10,6) as amnt,
    median(TO_NUMBER (amount))/pow(10,6) as avg_amnt
    FROM terra.core.ez_transfers
    WHERE currency = 'uluna' AND date_trunc('day',block_timestamp) >= current_date-{{Last_N_days}} AND transfer_type != 'IBC_Transfer_Off'
    GROUP by sender_category, receiver_category
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