StangFAST02 - lenght [ ext ]
    Updated 2023-08-16
    -- forked from 02 - lenght @


    ext AS
    a.signers[0] AS users
    , case
    when a.log_messages[2] LIKE 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain %' then initcap( split( a.log_messages[2] , ' ' ) [7] )
    when a.log_messages[3] LIKE 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain %' then initcap( split( a.log_messages[3] , ' ' ) [7] )
    when a.log_messages[4] LIKE 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain %' then initcap( split( a.log_messages[4] , ' ' ) [7] )
    when a.log_messages[5] LIKE 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain %' then initcap( split( a.log_messages[5] , ' ' ) [7] )
    when a.log_messages[6] LIKE 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain %' then initcap( split( a.log_messages[6] , ' ' ) [7] )
    AS domain
    , left( domain , charindex( '.' , domain ) - 1) AS firstname
    , right( domain , charindex( '.' , ( reverse( domain ))) - 1) AS lastname
    , length( firstname ) AS charactor
    solana.core.fact_transactions a
    JOIN lateral flatten ( input => a.instructions ) b
    JOIN lateral flatten ( input => a.log_messages ) c
    a.block_timestamp::date >= dateadd( 'month' , -{{number_of_month}} , current_date )
    AND a.block_timestamp::date <= dateadd( 'day' , -1 , current_date )
    AND b.value:programId = 'TLDHkysf5pCnKsVA4gXpNvmy7psXLPEu4LAdDJthT9S'
    AND c.value = 'Program log: Instruction: BuyOrExtendRenewable'
    AND a.succeeded = 'true'
    GROUP BY 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5
    -- ,
    -- buy AS
    -- (
    -- SELECT
    -- a.signers[0] AS users
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