Ailing Alameda

    Analyze what Alameda is experiencing. Rumors over the weekend began swirling that alameda research is on the brink of insolvency. Observe net in and outflows of USD tokens from known Alameda or FTX accounts throughout different chains. Are they going somewhere specifically? Are there any signs of potential insolvency? Note any other interesting trends or events you see.

    Start :

    About Alameda Research :

    Alameda Research is a Hong Kong-based private equity firm founded by Sam Bankman-Fried in October 2017. It offers full-service cryptocurrency trading on every market and exchange and engages in over-the-counter (OTC) trading. As of April 2022, Alameda Research manages over $1 billion in digital assets and trades between $1-10 billion per day across thousands of major coins, altcoins, and their derivatives.


    About FTX exchange :

    FTX is a cryptocurrency exchange built by traders, for traders. FTX offers innovative products including industry-first derivatives, options, volatility products and leveraged tokens. We strive to develop a platform robust enough for professional trading firms and intuitive enough for first-time users.

    FTX Regulation

    FTX is incorporated in Antigua and Barbuda and headquartered in the Bahamas after moving from Hong Kong in September 2021. Its FTX Digital Markets Ltd. unit is regulated by the Securities Commission of the Bahamas. The exchange does not offer services to U.S. residents.

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    Resources :

    Introduction :

    During the first stage, we have checked the inflow and outflow of stablecoins to Ftx/Alameda For this, we used the dim_labels and ez_token_transfers tables from the ethereum.core database.

    In the next step, we have checked the amount of outflow from Ftx/Alameda and entry to other exchanges For this purpose, we have used the dim_labels and fact_token_transfers tables in the ethereum.core database.

    And in the last step, we have checked the amount of incoming and outgoing flow to and from Alameda/FTX based on Ethereum and Solana networks and shown it on the graph.


    According to the charts obtained above, the highest amount of output is on November 7 with a value of 2.35 billion dollars and the lowest value is on October 15 with an approximate value of 84 million dollars.

    Also, the highest amount of entry is on November 7 with the amount of 2.38 billion dollars and the lowest amount of entry is on October 15 with the amount of approximately 111 million dollars.

    on daily outflow volume bar chart you witness FTX/alameda stablecoin by destination analysis.

    on sep10 for example 65.66163 stable coins from binance has been outflowed, 189.0854 from remitano, 4.970023 coinbase and as you see the other stable coins from the rest metamask.and on the daily basis you can see more clearly the highest rate day belongs to nov1,2022 that 8 million usdc , 328.8231M binance. and so on has been outflowed . which means alot stable coins are moving in the market.on the other other hand we witness top 10 outflowed stablecoins binance posses the first place with 53.4% which is 2,712,358,816 volume of stable coins. second place belongs to coinbase with 748,353,868 or 14.7%.

    third is USDC with 13.7% 694,969,364.7 you can see the rest places. as you saw up there in these 3 charts there is huge movement in the market and we can see the market`s behavior clearly.


    as for the netflow in the recent month we can say except for the oct16 which was the best day for solana network with 72m USDC and 21M USDT inflows but nov6 was the worst day for it with 275M USDC and 8M USDT outflow for it . it was a tremendous outgoing due to the bear market which means people are getting out their money or moving to another chain.

    as you see the netflow all the stats here the outflows are more than inflows for ethereum the best day for inflow is on nov4 with 110M USDC but on the contrary the worst day for outflow is on oct27 with 126M USDC outflowed the network .we cant say much here on why its going like that or its good or bad idea to enter the market now but as you see the stats outflows for ethereum network is more than inflow.

    Conclusion :

    the highest amount of output is on November 7 with a value of 2.35 billion dollars and the lowest value is on October 15 with an approximate value of 84 million dollars. Also, the highest amount of entry is on November 7 with the amount of 2.38 billion dollars and the lowest amount of entry is on October 15 with the amount of approximately 111 million dollars.

    outflows are slightly more than inflows, especially in Solana in recent days, which can not be good! But I don't see any sign or risk of potential insolvency.

    withdrawals from Alameda and FTX accounts have been on the rise and have reached their peak in recent days. In total, in the last few days, more than 20 billion dollars have been withdrawn in Solana and Ethereum. The most withdrawals in Ethereum were related to USDC, ETH and USDt tokens, and in Solana related to USDT, SOL and USDC, which were transferred to Coinbase ,Gate and Kucoin .This situation has put this company in a dire situation and on the verge of bankruptcy, so that they are forced to ask their competitor, Binance, for help and buy their company's shares.

    on daily basis about solana network on inflows Alameda/ftx. on oct 10 2022 we see that 7.125837M USDC coming to solana network chain. and also 4.338066M USDT coming in too. then there is an upward road ahead on octt12 with 22M USDT and the highest point is on oct18 with 31M USDT and its amazing for this network and as for recently on nov8 we see more USDC coming through with 8M volume . not bad for bad days of the crypto market yeah?

    and as for outflows on oct 10 you can see 2.4M USDT and 9.4M USDC went out of the solana`s network after that we can see a slight outflow with 1m USDT and 71M USDC running out and then the highest outflow of the month is for nov7 with 26M USDT and 309M USDC which is outrage for the compare to the inflows is nothing . number of people coming in is huge and great.

    for ethereum network we see that on oct10 there were 113M USDC, 57M USDT , 21M BUSD and 1.6M DAI has been entered the ETH network this amounts totally were the least entering as we go forward we see more and more inflows and the highest point is for nov7 2022 with 761M USDC , 290M USDT, 129M BUSD and 8M DAI thats great for eth network which means people tend more toward this chain and its great.

    but for the outflow we see almost the same stats with just a slight change in each like on oct12 121MUSDC, 104M BUSD and 79M USDT outflowed the market and the worst day for it is on nov7 with 720MUSDC , 321M USDT and 107M BUSD went out the network which is really bad for eth.