Cosmos Deligation Events

    Let's explore movement of delegation on Cosmos. When delegators un-stake from one validator and move to another, is there any pattern to where they re-stake? Are users more likely to re-delegate after their validator votes in a way they disagree with? Do they re-align their stake with validators whose values reflect their own? How do validator votes change over the course of a proposal? Share any interesting voting statistics you find. Examine any voting propositions here (example: Prop 82) as a use case to explore these questions.✅✔

    What is Cosmos ?

    Hopefully by now you have a clearer picture of the Cosmos project. Here is a quick recap of what Cosmos is in three concise points:

    1. Cosmos makes blockchains powerful and easy to develop with Tendermint BFT and the modularity of the Cosmos SDK.
    2. Cosmos enables blockchains to transfer value with each other through IBC and Peg-Zones, while letting them retain their sovereignty.
    3. Cosmos allows blockchain applications to scale to millions of users through horizontal and vertical scalability solutions.
    4. \

    More than anything, Cosmos is not a product but an ecosystem built on a set of modular, adaptable and interchangeable tools. Developers are encouraged to join the effort to improve existing tools and create new ones in order to make the promise of blockchain technology a reality. These tools are the foundation needed to create the decentralized internet and global financial system of tomorrow.


    The average number of redelegations per day suggests a certain level of turnover and activity within the delegation pool. The presence of small spikes in redelegation activity could indicate a response to changes in the network or market conditions. Overall, the data suggest that the Cosmos network experienced significant growth and activity at the end of 2021, with a high level of delegation and redelegation. Further analysis and context would be needed to fully understand the implications of this data.


    there are total 147.7k redelegation actions made on Cosmos made by 73.3k unique delegators and with total 62.6M $ATOM volume.

    The average volume of redelegates is 256 $ATOM and the median number is 10.1 $ATOM. this difference between average and median volume of redelegates can be because of unusual redelegations volume on Cosmos.

    Also, the total number of validators who have lost their delegators is 298 (source) and the total number of validators who have gained migrated delegators is 293 validators (destination).


    the most number of redelegates on Cosmos were done from the validator with operator address cosmosvaloper196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcvrj90c (SG-1). as the top Cosmos validator is on the second rank on this chart !

    In terms of volume, we can see the highest volume was redelegated from cosmosvaloper156gqf9837u7d4c4678yt3rl4ls9c5vuursrrzf (Binance Staking).


    most number of redelegates were done to the cosmosvaloper1vvwtk805lxehwle9l4yudmq6mn0g32px9xtkhc ( SG-1 that was on the first rank of redelegates from that, is on the second rank of this char !

    But in terms of volume, highest volume of redelegates were done to the cosmosvaloper1z8zjv3lntpwxua0rtpvgrcwl0nm0tltgpgs6l7.

    Resources :

    Conclusion :

    • The average number of redelegations per day suggests a certain level of turnover and activity within the delegation pool. The presence of small spikes in redelegation activity could indicate a response to changes in the network or market conditions. Overall, the data suggest that the Cosmos network experienced significant growth and activity at the end of 2021, with a high level of delegation and redelegation. Further analysis and context would be needed to fully understand the implications of this data.

    • most number of redelegates were done to the cosmosvaloper1vvwtk805lxehwle9l4yudmq6mn0g32px9xtkhc ( SG-1 that was on the first rank of redelegates from that, is on the second rank of this char !

      But in terms of volume, highest volume of redelegates were done to the cosmosvaloper1z8zjv3lntpwxua0rtpvgrcwl0nm0tltgpgs6l7.

    • the most number of redelegates on Cosmos were done from the validator with operator address cosmosvaloper196ax4vc0lwpxndu9dyhvca7jhxp70rmcvrj90c (SG-1). as the top Cosmos validator is on the second rank on this chart !

      In terms of volume, we can see the highest volume was redelegated from cosmosvaloper156gqf9837u7d4c4678yt3rl4ls9c5vuursrrzf (Binance Staking).

    • there are total 147.7k redelegation actions made on Cosmos made by 73.3k unique delegators and with total 62.6M $ATOM volume.

      The average volume of redelegates is 256 $ATOM and the median number is 10.1 $ATOM. this difference between average and median volume of redelegates can be because of unusual redelegations volume on Cosmos.

      Also, the total number of validators who have lost their delegators is 298 (source) and the total number of validators who have gained migrated delegators is 293 validators (destination).