Network Performance Dashboard
Q95. Create a dashboard displaying Solana network performance over time. How has the network performed over the past month compared to the rest of the year? Has transaction per second and success rates of transactions gone up recently? Is this because of less botting or fewer users, or new improvements from the Solana engineers? What wallets and programs have paid the most in fees for failed transactions?
Question(s) :
Q95. Create a dashboard displaying Solana network performance over time.
> How has the network performed over the past month compared to the rest of the year? Has transaction per second and success rates of transactions gone up recently? Is this because of less botting or fewer users, or new improvements from the Solana engineers? What wallets and programs have paid the most in fees for failed transactions?
About Solana Performance :
To evaluate Solana Crypto Coin as a possible investment, you need to clearly understand its upside potential, downside risk, and overall future performance outlook. You may be satisfied when Solana generates a 15% return over the last few months, but what if the market is generating 25% over the same period? In this case, it makes sense to compare Solana Crypto Coin's performance with different market indexes, such as the Dow or NASDAQ Composite. These indexes can act as benchmarks that will help you to understand Solana stock market performance in a much more refined way. At Macroaxis, we take it even further. The Macroaxis performance score is an integer between 0 and 100 that represents Solana's market performance from a risk-adjusted return perspective. Generally speaking, the higher the score, the better is overall performance as compared to other investors. The score is normalized against the average investing universe (the best we can interpret from the data available). Within this methodology, scores of individual equity instruments will always be inferior to the scores of portfolios of equities as portfolios typically diversify a lot of unsystematic risks away. The formula to derive the Macroaxis score bases on multiple unequally-weighted factors. For more information, refer to our portfolio performance evaluation section.
Please also refer to our technical analysis and fundamental analysis pages.Solana is peer-to-peer digital currency powered by the Blockchain technology. Solana saw in late 2020 its adoption start picking up steam. In October 2020 Circle expanded the USDC stablecoin into the Solana network. The move came shortly after Tethers USDT was added to it in September 2020.What is Solana is a high-performance blockchain founded by former Qualcomm, Intel, and Dropbox engineers that uses a delegated Proof-of-Stake consensus algorithm. The network uses a unique method of ordering transactions to significantly improve its speed and throughput.Blockchain networks have historically struggled with scalability issues, with the few that managed to solve them dealing with centralization issues. A decentralized network with small confirmation times and transaction fees has been hard to create, but the problem was tackled in 2017 with the creation of Solana \n
Performance Metrics :
Solana cluster performance is measured as average number of transactions per second that the network can sustain (TPS). And, how long it takes for a transaction to be confirmed by super majority of the cluster (Confirmation Time).
Each cluster node maintains various counters that are incremented on certain events. These counters are periodically uploaded to a cloud based database. Solana's metrics dashboard fetches these counters, and computes the performance metrics and displays it on the dashboard.
Each node's bank runtime maintains a count of transactions that it has processed. The dashboard first calculates the median count of transactions across all metrics enabled nodes in the cluster. The median cluster transaction count is then averaged over a 2 second period and displayed in the TPS time series graph. The dashboard also shows the Mean TPS, Max TPS and Total Transaction Count stats which are all calculated from the median transaction count.
Confirmation Time :
Each validator node maintains a list of active ledger forks that are visible to the node. A fork is considered to be frozen when the node has received and processed all entries corresponding to the fork. A fork is considered to be confirmed when it receives cumulative super majority vote, and when one of its children forks is frozen.
The node assigns a timestamp to every new fork, and computes the time it took to confirm the fork. This time is reflected as validator confirmation time in performance metrics. The performance dashboard displays the average of each validator node's confirmation time as a time series graph.
Hardware setup
The validator software is deployed to GCP n1-standard-16 instances with 1TB pd-ssd disk, and 2x Nvidia V100 GPUs. These are deployed in the us-west-1 region.
solana-bench-tps is started after the network converges from a client machine with n1-standard-16 CPU-only instance with the following arguments: --tx\_count=50000 --thread-batch-sleep 1000
TPS and confirmation metrics are captured from the dashboard numbers over a 5 minute average of when the bench-tps transfer stage begins.
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