ValiMohammadiSucceeded last past month and succeeded transactions from rest of year
    Updated 2022-07-13

    select t1.count_per_second as last_month_perSecond ,t2.count_rest_of_year_perSecond,t2.myday from
    (select count(*) as count_per_day,count(*)/86400 as count_per_second,cast(substring(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE,9,2) as int )as myday from
    where BLOCK_TIMESTAMP >= current_date-30 and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP < current_date
    group by myday
    order by myday ) as t1
    inner join (
    select count(*)/(6*86400) as count_rest_of_year_perSecond, count(*) as count_rest_of_year_PerDay,CAST( substring(BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::DATE,9,2) as int ) as myday
    where BLOCK_TIMESTAMP > '2022-01-01' and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP <=current_date-30
    GROUP by myday
    order by myday desc
    ) as t2
    on t1.myday=t2.myday

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