Solana Unique Solana Programs
Question : Q92. One way to track developer growth in an ecosystem is through the number of unique contracts used. Create a visualization of the number of unique programs used per day since the beginning of January.
What type of programs are the most popular, and what programs seem to be gaining in popularity over that timeframe? Does it appear that development is still ongoing in the bear market?
Explanation before solving the question:
Native Programs
Solana contains a small handful of native programs, which are required to run validator nodes. Unlike third-party programs, the native programs are part of the validator implementation and can be upgraded as part of cluster upgrades. Upgrades may occur to add features, fix bugs, or improve performance. Interface changes to individual instructions should rarely, if ever, occur. Instead, when change is needed, new instructions are added and previous ones are marked deprecated. Apps can upgrade on their own timeline without concern of breakages across upgrades.
For each native program the program id and description each supported instruction is provided. A transaction can mix and match instructions from different programs, as well include instructions from on-chain programs.
To solve this question, we must do the following.
1-number of unique programs used per day since the beginning of January.
2-What type of programs are the most popular 3-What programs seem to be gaining in popularity over that timeframe
4- it does appear that development is still ongoing in the bear market
According to the research done and the necessary queries on the Solana database, we found that the total number of unique Solana programs is 2945.
According to the obtained data, we find that the highest number of unique Solana daily programs was registered on June 28, 2022 with a number of 1090, and the lowest number of unique Solana daily programs was registered on January 1, 2022 with a number of 390.
At the bottom you can see the chart and graph of the daily statistics
According to the charts obtained, the number of Solana's unique daily programs has been on the rise since the beginning of the new year