Solana - 6. NFT Lendooors on Solana

    The Famous Fox Federation just released their new NFT lending program called Citrus. See for the announcement and more details. The NFT lending space on Solana has been picking up and gained popularity over time as a way to essentially gain leverage on NFTs as a borrower and gain yield on SOL as a lender. Compare Key Performance Indicators between the major NFT lending protocols out there (Citrus, Sharky, Frakt, Yawww). Who is gaining the most market share? Why would a user use one protocol over the other? What NFTs are most popular on each platform? Due to the rise in the price of SOL in January, there has been more pressure applied to borrowers to pay back their loans. Some lenders have been forced to take in NFTs that are now priced in SOL lower than their set loan price. Is there a noticeable increase in default rate over the past month on NFT loans? Which protocol has had the most defaults, and which NFTs have caused the most defaults? Is there evidence that leverage is unwinding in the market right now?