Aave Delegates' Gas Usage
General Info
- The daily Txn Fee and daily Txn gas for votes are shown in the following two graphs. In the following column graphs we have the daily fee’s and gas’s since Sep 27th of 2022.
- As you can see, with a simple side by side comparison you can understand that the similarities of the first two graphs are off the charts. In both graphs the peak of fee and gas was reached on Dec 2nd of 2022 with 1.37 Fee_ETH and 0.114 gas respectively.
- After the year 2022 and since the start of 2023, we can notice a drop in daily amount of fee and gas as you can see the height of columns reduced noticeably since the beginning of January of 2023.
- The daily average transaction fee for votes was at its peak on Nov 9th of 2022 with 0.0075 ETH. The average daily fee started to vibrate higher after the beginning of 2023 and on Mar 11th of 2023 it reached its highest since Jan 1st of 2023 with 0.0055 ETH.
- The daily average transaction gas for votes vibrates around 95u with some peaks that break the 100u ceiling.
Last 90 days
- The daily cumulative transaction fee and gas in in the past 90 days rose to 6 ETH and 0.298 respectively as you can see in the graph bellow (from Dec 20th of 2022 until Mar 19 of 2023).
- The average transaction fee for votes in ETH is about 0.00196 in the past 90 days updated on Mar 19 of 2023.
- The average transactions gas for votes for the past 90 days is also about 97.4u last updated same as average transaction fee.
Last 180 days
- Looking at the last 180 days we had total transaction fee and gas increase worth of 17.6 ETH and 1.186 gas respectively.
- The biggest jump in the Fee and gas amount happened between Dec 1st and Dec 3rd of 2022.
- The average transactions fee in ETH in the last 180 days is about 0.001436 ETH and the average gas of the last 180 days is about 96.8u as you can see in the following boxes.
Looking at the first row of graphs in the general information section, you can see that the fee and gas changes are pretty straight in relation and they both vibrate similarly throughout the entire time period. The peak of fee and gas amount was reached on Dec 2nd of 2022 and we can see the outcome in the last 180 days cumulative graph.
The biggest change in the last 180 days in the cumulative sections happened between Dec 1st and Dec 3rd of 2022. If we split of the last 180 days changes into two 90 days parts, we can see the changes in the first 90 days concludes the majority of total fee and gas changes in the past half a year.
In the first 90 days we had almost 11 ETH increase in the transactions fee’s, and about 0.887 gas increase in the total transaction gas for votes.
The average amount of fee and gas in the past 90 days is more than the averages of the past 180 days, in the second section of the graph we saw the average were about 0.00196 ETH and 97.4u and the averages of the past 180 days in the final section was about 0.001436 and 96.8u.
About me:
Author: Hojjat
Discord: hojjat7878#8809
Twitter: @hojjat8d
Email: hojjat78delshad@gmail.com
To create this dashboard, we have divided the information into two parts: the last 90 days and the last 180 days.
To find the amount of Fee and Gas, the two columns
in the tableethereum.core.fact_transactions
are used, then by filtering theTX_HASHs
that are in the tableethereum.aave.ez_votes
, you can get the information about Gas and Fee related to Voting in AAVE .
What is Aave? (AAVE)
One of a number of emerging DeFi cryptocurrencies, Aave is a decentralized lending system that allows users to lend, borrow and earn interest on crypto assets, all without middlemen.
Running on the Ethereum blockchain, Aave instead is a system of smart contracts that enables these assets to be managed by a distributed network of computers running its software.
This means Aave users do not need to trust a particular institution or person to manage their funds. They need only trust that its code will execute as written.
Like other decentralized lending systems on Ethereum, Aave borrowers must post collateral before they can borrow. Further, they can only borrow up to the value of the collateral they post.
Borrowers receive funds in the form of a special token known as an aToken, which is pegged to the value of another asset. This token is then encoded so lenders receive interest on deposits
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