Activity of superfluid pools in the sharp increase in the price of OSMO (BTC/OSMO & ATOM/OSMO)
General Info
- Total pools last updated on Jan 28th is about 23M for ATOM/OSMO and about 47k for WBTC/OSMO. The daily pair amount volume shows the highest peek of volume was reached on Jan 16th which ATOM/OSMO had 12.5M and WBTC/OSMO had 7139 worth of volume.
- In the second row column graph we can see the daily validator count of each pool, both of the pools combined had about 110 validators on Dec 29th and after reaching 120 on the final day of December they dropped down under 100 on Jan 1st of 2023, the following 2 days show that the number of validators went above 120 but after Jan 3rd the number dropped to 60 and oscillated under it and stopped at above 40 on Jan 27th of 2023.
- The following two rows of graphs tell us about the Delegate and delegator numbers of each pool. The total delegate count of each pool is about near 7000 for ATOM/OSMO and about 2900 for WBTC/OSMO based on the updated info on Jan 28th. On Jan 3rd and Jan 14th, the two mentioned pools had the highest number of delegate counts and they both reached above 400. On the final day, Jan 27th, ATOM/OSMO had 223 delegates and WBTC/OSMO had 101 in total.
- The number of delegators in the total amounts show that ATOM/OSMO pool almost has 6400 and WBTC/OSMO pool almost has about 2600 delegators the most number of delegators were reached on the same dates mentioned in the last line and on Jan 27th the two mentioned pools had 208 and 91 delegators respectively.
- Down bellow in the final graphs we have the total net deposit of each pool which are -2.8M for ATOM/OSMO and -1.2M for WBTC/OSMO.
- By looking at the deposit and withdraw distributions we understand why the net deposit of the pools are so low, with a simple comparison we can see the high amounts of withdraws in the distribution column with $100-$1000 and more than $10k segments being much larger than the segments in the deposit distribution.
- The cumulative delegate TX count by pools show that from Dec 29th the two named pools in this dashboard started with under 200 delegate TX and reached their highest total number on Jan 27th which is almost 7000 for ATOM/OSMO and 2810 for WBTC/OSMO.
- The cumulative pair volume by pools show that ATOM/OSMO already had a head start beginning at 138k and making its way up to 22.5M and WBTC/OSMO reaching 42k on Jan 28th.
- The daily new delegators show that from Dec 29th till Jan 28th on only 5 different days ATOM/OSMO had 1 delegator on each day and only on Jan 26th WBTC/OSMO had two new delegators, the cumulative form also shows the same info in a more detailed form.
Stake Volume Info
- The daily net deposit volume by pool shows that since Dec 29th we had barely any net deposit volume as you can see only on 6 days the columns of volume are above the dead line, for the rest of the dates the net volume was negative. Same can be said about the total net deposit in the second graph as you can see the black line which is representing the NET_DEPOSIT is mostly under the dead line specially on Jan 5th and Jan 16th which pools experienced the highest amount of deposit and withdraw.
- The cumulative net deposit of each pool in the final day of the graph, Jan 28th, is 23.6M for ATOM/OSMO and 12.8M for WBTC/OSMO.
- Despite the activities on ATOM/OSMO pool we can see the price of WBTC/OSMO token being much higher above the ATOM/OSMO token with price of 13.24 .
In this dashboard we can see the impact of sudden increase in OSMO token price on the two ATOM/OSMO and WBTC/OSMO pools and their tokens.
By looking at the daily deposit and withdraw volume of each pool we can easily understand that the net deposit of the pools certainly has seen better days compared to the last months activity.
Even though the net deposit volume trend is bellow the deadline still we can see that the negative amount has shortened and the trend is closer to the deadline compared to its position in the earlier days of the last month.
Also the validator count, delegate and delegator count of each pool have experienced a rise in the column graphs in the passed few days as you can see in the second section of the article.
The price of WBTC/OSMO token oscillated its way to above 13 from around 11 after Jan 18th of 2023 based on the information updated on Jan 28th in the final section.
Things are not
Author: Hojjat
Discord: hojjat7878#8809
Twitter: @hojjat8d
Osmosis (OSMO): A DEX for the Cosmos Ecosystem
Osmosis is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) protocol for the Cosmos ecosystem. To understand the specifics of Osmosis, it’s helpful for you to know the context of the Cosmos ecosystem upon which and for which it is built. Cosmos is an overarching ecosystem of blockchain networks that can connect with one another as part of Cosmos’ mission to build an “internet of blockchains.” Interoperable decentralized applications (dApps) on these various networks communicate with each other and send tokens and data back and forth via Cosmos’ Inter-Blockchain Communication (IBC) Protocol.
The Cosmos Hub is the mainchain that serves as the central ledger and primary blockchain protocol to connect with other blockchains in the Cosmos Network. It is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain built by the Ignite team and uses ATOM as the native token for voting, staking, and transactions. Cosmos also provides a software development kit (SDK) to enable projects and teams to build on its network. Now that we have a surface-level understanding of Cosmos and how it operates, we can dive deeper into Osmosis.
OSMO Token and Superfluid Staking
OSMO is the native token of the Osmosis network. Primarily, OSMO is used for staking to secure the Osmosis chain. As a PoS token, OSMO is inflationary. Over time, new tokens will be minted and entered into circulation. The maximum number of OSMO tokens has been set at 1 billion. As of May 2022, there are 282 million OSMO in circulation.
A key innovation within the Osmosis protocol structure is superfluid staking, which allows users to both stake tokens while simultaneously using them to provide assets to a liquidity pool. This means Osmosis users are rewarded for helping secure the blockchain while staking, and receive reward fees associated with liquidity pool transactions. The first Osmosis token pool to allow for superfluid staking is the ATOM/OSMO pool, which is the top Osmosis crypto staking pool by volume and includes both OSMO and the Cosmos token ATOM.
Osmosis’ use of superfluid staking is designed to not only increase users' capital but also contribute to the security of other blockchains in the Cosmos ecosystem. Prior to the innovation of superfluid staking, if a user brought their assets to Osmosis to earn block rewards in one of the liquidity pools, the blockchain that provided those assets would not be able to use them to secure the chain. With superfluid staking, users supply the liquidity pool while still staking the underlying asset in the blockchain from which it came. To that end, Osmosis and its OSMO crypto staking feature strengthen the security of all Cosmos blockchains, in addition to providing a core DEX for the Cosmos ecosystem.
Tokens Price
- We have the prices of three tokens here in the first section, BTC, ATOM and OSMO since Dec 29th of 2022 till Jan 28th of 2023 as you can see.
- In the first graph we have BTC which started from 16.5k and rose to 20.7k on Jan 14th, the next sudden rise took place on Jan 21st and the price reached 22.8k and stood somewhat stable after that.
- The ATOM prices in the middle shows that from the beginning of the graph it started with under 10 and reached 12.7 on Jan 14th then it oscillated its way to 13.7 on Jan 28th.
- If we take a look at the arc’s of the graph and not the numbers we can sense the sharp turn of price for OSMO specially from Jan 19th till Jan 23 which it reached 0.97 after that it experienced a small drop but managed to get back up and reach 0.997.

What is Superfluid Staking?
Superfluid staking, a new Cosmos SDK module built by Osmosis, is the newest innovation for proof-of-stake networks.
In traditional proof-of-stake, staking is the key to maintaining integrity of the consensus mechanism. Tokens can be delegated to a validator to provide an economic collateral that can be penalized, or slashed, for misbehavior. Superfluid staking allows Osmosis users to delegate the OSMO underlying their bonded liquidity pool tokens to strengthen the security of the Osmosis network, expand the utility and demand for the OSMO token, and increase their yields.
The following tables were used to create this dashboard:
This dashboard includes the following sections:
- Tokens Price
- General Info
- Stake Volume Info
The information of this dashboard is from the last 30 days until today.
In this dashboard, we have examined the BTC/OSMO & ATOM/OSMO pools on the Superfluid platform since the crypto market has been bullish for the past one month. The reason for choosing these two pools is that ATOM is the most important coin in this ecosystem and BTC is the most important coin in the crypto market.
In the last month, this ecosystem along with the rest of the market have grown very well.