Alammex, DEX Aggregator

    Q113. Alammex is a DEX aggregator on Algorand that recently launched.

    Starting on June 27th, all swaps that pass through Alammex have their tx_group_id recorded in the tx_message of the fee. Using these tx_message note what percent of volume and number of swaps go through Alammex compared to all swaps in the swap table and by DEX.

    Posted on July 7, 2022

    This dashboard will give you

    • Shows the number and volume of swaps that have passed through Alammex
    • It shows the number and volume of all Algorand network swaps

    my contacts:

    • Telegram : @delk00
    • discord : hojjat7878#8809
    • twitter : @hojjat8d

    Algorand network swaps

    The following charts show the number and volume of Algorand swaps, which, as you can see, are much more than the swaps that pass through Alammex, and in fact, a very small percentage passes through this platform.

    Alammex swaps

    In the charts below, the number and volume of swaps that have passed through Alammex since June 27 are displayed, which were created based on the number of swaps that contained the two keywords volumeUSDC and group in their tx_message. As you can see, the volume And the number of these swaps is very small.