Avalanche Swaps vs Transfers (Redux)

    Daily and hourly information ( Swaps vs Transfers )

    • In the first graph we can see the hourly volume of swaps vs the transfers users over time and the highest peek that we can look at happened on Nov 15th of 2022 at 01:00, in the mentioned time there were 2.94M transfers and 1.64 B swaps.

    • Since Jul of 2022 the highest amount of transfer happened on Jul 28th of 2022 with 1.5B transfer and 521.8M swap volume, On the other hand the peek of swap volume happened during Nov 15 2022 with 1.6B swap alongside 91.8M transfer.

    • In the average hourly volumes shown in the second row left side graph we can see that on the same peek times as the first graph, Nov 15th and July 28th, we had the most average volume which was 2.3M swap and 9393 transfer on Nov 15th and 38.4k swap and 2.9M transfer on Jul 28th of 2022.

    • The cumulative volume of swaps and transfers users show that by the end of Dec 6th of 2022, since July of 2022, the swap volume reaches 40.87B and the transfers users amount reaches 31.55B.

    • In the daily number of swaps VS. transfers over time since July, the highest number of swaps and transfers took place on Nov 9th of 2022 which needless to say is two days after the FTX collapse happening, on the mentioned date we had 25.617k swaps and 13.917k transfers.

      Note: All these graphs and numbers were last updated on Dec 6th of 2022 at 1:54 pm.

    General information ( Swaps vs Transfers )

    • The column forms above give us some brief information about swaps and transfers. In the first column form we have the number of USDC swaps and transfers transactions since July which are 1.35M swaps and 1.05M transfers.
    • The USDC’s number of swaps and transfers have been mentioned in the last line now in the second column form we have their volume amount, for swaps we have 40.78B worth of volume and the transfers have 31.55B worth of volume.
    • Despite the more number and amount of swaps against the transfers, in the average column form we see that the average of transfer volume has toped swap with 21.20k volume.
    • Also the number of transferrer are more than the swappers as it seems, we have 112.666k number of transferrers since July.
    • In the average hourly number and volume of swaps and transfers we can see that swap comes back on top, Also in the distribution of volumes we see that most of the transactions were $100-$1000 and most of the transfers we had were less than $10.

    Daily and hourly information ( Mints vs Burns )

    General information ( Mints vs Burns )

    • The most amount of hourly volume of mints and burns over time since July says that on Jul 28th of 2022 at 01:00 we had the most amount of burns and mints which in order are 219.46M and 74.91M.
    • The daily volume of mints and burns over time since July, same as the hourly amounts, says that we had the most volume per each on Jul 28th of 22. On the mentioned date the volume of mint is about 75.21M and the volume of burn is about 475.04M.
    • The same info as the previous two lines are shown in average amounts in the second row two graphs, and also here the most average amounts of mints and burns on July 28th, but the most average volume of burn according to the graph above belongs to Oct 14th of 2022.
    • The cumulative volume of mints VS burns show that by the end of Dec 6th of 2022 we have 1.76B burn and 1.18B burn.
    • Also the most number of mints and burns combined took place on Jul 28th of 2022 with 356 burns and 2 mints.
    • In the next section, similar to previous part, we have the USDC number and volume of mints and burns.


    • Here in this article I tried to make a side by side comparison of swaps and transfers that took place on Avalanch since July till Dec 6th of 2022.
    • In the first section we have the daily number of swaps and transfers alongside the volume of each for comparison and as you can see the most number of swaps and transfers took place on Nov 9th of 2022 with 13.9k transfers and 25.6k swaps, but the most volume of swaps and transfers goes back to Jul 28th of 2022 and on that day we had 1.5B transfer and 521.8M swaps.
    • Along the USDC swaps and transfers we can see that the most number of swaps happened with volume of $100-$1000 and the biggest portion of transfers took place with volume of Less than $10.
    • Same as the swaps and transfers the most number and volume of mints and burns took place on July 28th of 2022. In the final two sections we can see that on Jul 28th we hade 2 number of mints and 356 number of burns which hold, in order, volume of 75.21M and 475.04M.
    • By the distribution of Mints and Burns we can see that most of the burns had volume of $100-$1K and the biggest portion of mints had more than $100k volume.


    \n \n



    Examine Avalanche USDC(0xB97EF9Ef8734C71904D8002F8b6Bc66Dd9c48a6E- https://snowtrace.io/token/0xb97ef9ef8734c71904d8002f8b6bc66dd9c48a6e) swaps vs transfers and mints vs burns using the new fact_event_logs data and avalanche.core.fact_traces data.

    Lets look at volume of USDC swaps vs transfer by hour since 7/1.

    • What is the average amount of USDC transferred vs swapped?
    • Show number of unique swapper addresses vs transfer addresses by day for USDC

    Next lets look at mints and burns of pairs involving

    • Lets look at the volume of USDC mints and burns by hour since 7/1
    • How many unique wallets are minting and burning USDC by day
    • What is the average mint vs burn for USDC by day
    • Note anything else interesting about USDC transactions


    The following categories are used in this dashboard:

    • event_inputs:value/1e6 < 10 then 'Less Than $10'
    • event_inputs:value/1e6 >= 10 and event_inputs:value/1e6 <= 100 then '$10 - $100'
    • event_inputs:value/1e6 >= 100 and event_inputs:value/1e6 <= 1000 then '$100 - $1000'
    • event_inputs:value/1e6 >= 1000 and event_inputs:value/1e6 <= 10000 then '$1000 - $10000'
    • event_inputs:value/1e6 >= 10000 and event_inputs:value/1e6 <= 100000 then '$10000 - $100000'

    The information of this dashboard is from July 1, 2022 until today.

    This dashboard includes the following parts:

    • Daily and hourly information ( Swaps vs Transfers )

    • General information ( Swaps vs Transfers )

    • Daily and hourly information ( Mints vs Burns )

    • General information ( Mints vs Burns )

    What is Avalanche (AVAX)? The Next DeFi Blockchain Explained

    Avalanche (AVAX) is a smart contract-capable blockchain platform focused on transaction speed, low costs, and eco-friendliness. Ultimately, what Avalanche hopes to deliver is a highly scalable blockchain that doesn’t sacrifice decentralization or security. \n

    Launched in 2020 by the Ava Labs team, Avalanche quickly ascended the cryptocurrency rankings and sits just outside the top ten. Similarly, Avalanche TVL (Total Value Locked in the protocol) is skyrocketing and is now worth $3 billion across Avalanche dapps. \n

    The Avalanche ecosystem

    In a heated arms race to produce the world’s fastest blockchain, Avalanche is a serious contender with a stellar team, passionate community, and dedicated backers.

    This guide explains everything you should know about Avalanche, including how it works and what the AVAX token does. Let’s jump in!

    How Avalanche Works

    Avalanche’s core innovation is it’s composed of three blockchains rather than the usual one. The reason behind this design choice is quite brilliant: Each blockchain specializes in a task within the broader Avalanche ecosystem instead of having one chain do them all. \n

    Distributing tasks amongst different chains helps keep the Avalanche platform agile, allowing it to achieve the golden trinity of blockchain traits — decentralization, security, and scalability.

    Exchange Chain (X-Chain)

    The Exchange Chain (X-Chain) is the blockchain responsible for creating and transacting Avalanche assets. Avalanche’s native token AVAX is the current most popular cryptocurrency on the platform, but decentralized exchange tokens JOE and PNG aren’t far behind. \n

    Transactions on the X-Chain generate fees paid in AVAX. That’s similar to how gas fees on Ethereum are paid in ETH. So, even if you’re transacting JOE tokens, fees are always settled in AVAX.

    Contract Chain (C-Chain)

    Smart contracts are Avalanche’s key feature. This feature enables developers to build decentralized applications on Avalanche while leveraging the platform’s security and scalability benefits. \n

    The C-Chain runs smart contracts for the Avalanche platform and is EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) compatible. Being EVM compatible means anyone can deploy Ethereum smart contracts on Avalanche. Why is that a big deal? Because existing Ethereum apps, such as DeFi titans Aave, can easily deploy a version of their product on Avalanche.
